Thanks for visiting my
cheerleading homepage. I hope that you find it enjoyable
as well as informative. This web page was originally created
as an assignment for a computer class that I was enrolled in
at The Ohio State University. The class ended in mid December,
1998 and I received an A in the class, thanks in part to this web
page. This does not mean that I am giving the page up. I am
going to continue updating and adding things to the page and
make it usefull for all cheerleaders, coaches and potenial
cheerleaders. I hope that you will stay a while and look
around. By the way, you are probably wondering who I am, and
things like that so just follow the link and you will know
everything that you need to know about Me
Also, I am helping my brother with his eigth grade science fair project. He needs to suvery 100 females and 100 males. Please click here to complete the survey
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