Melissa Bell's Homepage

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Welcome to my page. If you have been here before, then you can tell that I have done some rearranging. I did this because I FINALLY graduated college, and wanted to way to show off my abilities. Please see below for some links that will take you to pages that show off some of the work that I did during my student teaching.

All about me...
I graduated in December, 1999 from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Education, (elementary). Currently, I am attending Urbana University to obtain my 1-8 teaching certificate, which I will complete the program in July, 2000. I just finished my student teaching at Colonial Acres Elementary School in the fifth grade.  I learned a lot from doing my student teaching and I will miss the students as well as the staff members. Now all I have to worry about is finding a job! Here are some links you should check out to learn more about me and my skills as a teacher:

Please check back often to see my changes.
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