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Owen, your death shocked, surprised, and hurt us all. We will never forget you and we'll miss you. You were one of the greats.

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McMahon stated on Off The Record regarding his meeting with Bret, "I thought he wanted to talk about Owen - he mentioned Owen in one sentence and the rest of it was about Bret." McMahon also added, "I couldn't believe what I was hearing - I'd ruined his marriage, I'd ruined his career. All he wanted to talk about was himself, nothing to do with his brother." "It was like looking into the eyes of a skeleton in some respects; it seemed like he wasn't human," finished McMahon during his interview with Michael Landsberg. McMahon also remarked that the entire situation would not have garnered so much attention had Bret not been in Martha Hart's (Owen's widow) ear telling her what to say and do in the media. McMahon purported that Bret was more negative about the entire ordeal than Martha was due to Bret's controversial departure from the World Wrestling Federation in November 1997. To no one surprise's, Bret "The Hitman" Hart was extremely upset over his former boss' statements. According to the Calgary Sun, Hart contacted family lawyers within minutes of the interview. Hart was advised not to publicly respond to McMahon's allegations due to the Hart family's pending lawsuit against McMahon, Titan Sports, Inc., the World Wrestling Federation, and ten other defendants over Owen's death. A source close to the Hart family stated, "The whole thing has been completely twisted around and at this point, Bret is more disappointed than angry." The source also added, "I think he's shocked that this man can still behave like that even after his brother's death." Bret desperately wants to clear his name, but probably won't until after the Harts' lawsuit against the WWF has been settled.

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Entrance Song:
Midi version - HART ATTACK

Wav. version - HART ATTACK(improved)

Entrance Song:


Bret hart inforation

Weight: 235 lbs. About Bret: Height : 6'1"

Date of Birth : 07/02/1957

Hometown : Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Pro. wrestler since 1976

Finishing maneuver : The Sharpshooter

former 5 time Stampede International Tag Team Champion

Has a cat named Smoky

former 2 time British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion

: 3 time u.s. champion

: went to mount royal college of film.

: wants to make a book, and make a movie ( his dream was to be a director)

:wife julie, oldest daughter jade, second oldest son dallas, third oldest daughter beans, youngest son blade

:young brother owen, brothers keith and bruce, dad stu hart, mom helen, sister diana, brother in laws jim neidhart( former tag partner) and brittish bulldog davey boy smith.

:Partly owns hockey team called the calgary hitmen

:excellent cartoonist

former 6 time Stampede North American Heavyweight Champion

former 2 time WWF Tag Team Champion

former 2 time WWF Intercontinental Champion

King of the Ring 1993

Winner of the Royal Rumble 1994

former 5 time WWF World Champion

favorite food: sushi

biggest pet peeve: seeing people chewing with their mouths open

favorite movie: sling blade because likes how mostly is to stand up for yourself.

WWC Caribbean Champion

Best Advice:"You can't stop talent. There are excuses, and there are setbacks, but you can't stop talent" (From Pedro Morales).

other best advice: save your money.

favorite fast food: pete's drive in in calgary: great burgers

favorite cartoonist: matt groening.

top ten guys I want to wrestle: rick steiner, booker t, chris benoit, hulk hogan, diamond dallas page,Bill Goldberg, sting,GIANT, macho man randy savage, and of course eric bischoff ha ha ha.

ten guys I never want to wrestle: scott stiener, my dad stu hart, my brothers keith and bruce,nasty boys hoshino the spoiler, ox baker

hart foundation: maybe put it back but owen's spot and brian's spots are free.

best c.d.: bob dylan

gets inspired when he sees people stand up for themselves.

: trained in basement in his childhood house called the dungeon

:favorite t.v. show is simpsons when bart thought he was going to fail. like bret when he was a kid on a weekly basis.

:appeared on lonesome dove, sinbad, hercules, mad tv, off the record, the simpsons,

: favorite hockey player wayne gretzkey

: favorite hockey team new york rangers

: writes weekly article every saturday in the calgary sun

:3. I think that the best place to visit and spend time on a vacation is Cape Town, South Africa.

:4. My favorite wrestler ever is Archie "The Stomper" Gouldie

5. My favorite match so far was my match at Wembley Stadium in September 1997 in the U.K.

6. My favorite places to wrestle are the small packed crowd and in the huge cities where the audience is huge. The best big locale to wrestle in is at Madison Square Gardens. For a smaller but solid crowd, the prairie city of Regina, Saskatchewan in Canada is my favorite.

10. I prefer to work out in the morning and I don't usually like to listen to music when I work out -- it distracts me.

14. The best quality a person can have is to never sell out their principles.

15. I think the toughest part of being a kid for me was defending myself against siblings and people in general.

16. I love riding my bike...I turn into a 6 year old all over again and forget about everything.

17. I like drawing because it makes people drawings are strictly for humor. My favorite medium is ink and I also like using pencil crayons. Coloring my drawings is the best part, if I have the time.

18. My favorite kind of movies are action and dramas

19. My all time favorite actor has always been Robert DeNiro -- I think his best movies are Taxi Driver and Deer Hunter.

20. Comments on the Calgary Hitmen in this past 1997-1998 season and their WHL Central Division Championship win... "They played with so much is inspiring to a whole city, especially me."

22. My top five favorite role models ever are Mickey Mantle, Bobby Orr, Bobby Kennedy, Muhammed Ali and football great, Roger Staubach. (in no specific order)

24. I am very interested in the Civil War....Why? It is so sad to understand the passion of the two armies on both sides. It was probably the most important time in history, and where America's gone since then. Even though I'm Canadian, I always think like an American, and I relate strongly to American history because of my mother's ancestry

Calgary is so great because it is so clean. It's got all the positives of being a big city and a small town combined. It's relatively safe and enjoys the best of all four seasons. No bugs really, no poisonous snakes, earthquakes, tornadoes, twisters, avalanches, etc.

I think one of the best wrestling maneuvers out there today is Chris Benoit's Crippler Crossface -- it's new and very resourceful. It can be applied so easy at anytime.

I have been seriously debating the pros and cons of being a good guy and a rotten guy.

Amateur titles: city and provincial championship in three separate weight classes (145, 154, and 177 pounds at Ernest Manning High School in Calgary)

Scouting Report: Bret is known for his accurate, textbook execution of every maneuver. He possesses an unlimited arsenal with which to flatten any opponent. When necessary, Bret is not beyond more ruthless tactics to win a match.

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