Ian and Kelly’s Home Page

Tenpin Bowling - Fast Lane
The X-Files - Australian Conne-X-ion
Dr Pepper Down Under
Ian's Travel Log - including Across the USA by Dodge
Ian and Kelly's Links Page - Some of our favourite web sites
Taco-Belle: The Life and Times of an Australian Chihuahua
Ian and Kelly's Other Page
Tenpin Bowling - Fast Lane
Read my latest "Fast Lane" tenpin column which appears weekly in the Central Western Daily, featuring all the latest news, results and scores from the Orange Tenpin Bowl in Orange, New South Wales, Australia. Site also includes various other items relating to Orange as well as bowling in general plus a massive links and webring page. A new feature is a "Bowling in the Movies" page.
The X-Files Australian Conne-X-ion
Check out my X-Files Australian Conne-X-ion (the most regularly updated Australian X-Files site) to see all the latest Australian-related news, an episode guide that includes my personal rating of each episode, an Australian merchandise section, Australian media reports, pages on David Dichovny and Gillian Anderson, The Lone Gunmen spinoff, polls and links to some great X-Files sites.
Dr Pepper Down Under
Check Dr Pepper Down Under to see my homage to the greatest soft drink there is. The site includes recipes such as my own very-easy-to-make and great tasting DP Scones (Americans call them biscuits) as well as a brief history, some downloads and links.
Ian's Travel Log - including Across the USA by Dodge
Check out my Travel Log to see my Across the USA by Dodge diary and other travel related pages
Ian and Kelly's Links - Some of our favourite web sites
Check our Links Page to see some of our favourite links to all sorts of great stuff ...
Taco-Belle: The Life and Times of an Australian Chihuahua
Check Taco-Belle's page to find out what it's liked to be a spoiled chihuahua in Australia.
Ian and Kelly's Other Page
Check our Ian and Kelly's Other Page ........
This includes our favourite movies, photos, birthday buttons and miscellaneous stuff.
This was our first ever attempt at a web page - yes, it's fairly primitive with no fancy graphics or java scripts. It's now just a portal for a number of other sites we maintain so hopefully you found something of interest. Thanks for visiting and please come back soon!
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Last Updated: Thursday, 5th February 2004
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