The Northern Illinois Hunter and Jumper Association

Hello NIHJA members and fellow equestrians.

Last Update: August 11, 2000.

NOTICE: Cheryl Duncan is the new Points Secretary. She can be reached via email: cduncan@harrisassoc.com

All questions and inquiries about points from this time forward should be directed to Cheryl. I believe the points sheets will soon be updated to reflect the most current show season and made available at the upcoming shows. This web site however may lag a little behind since the change over will take some time for Cheryl to adjust to. I will support Cheryl as best I can, so while the transition of information and knowledge takes place - your understanding and patience would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone who has helped with suggestions and point corrections in the past. Good luck to everyone and I wish you all a fun and successful season that results in a trunk full of Blue Ribbons!

Take care,
Joe Klen

Try out the NIHJA club "Chat Room" which is actually a link to a Yahoo! freebee that allows us to have our own personnel chat room and message board. With this, you can post a message for the entire club to see or chat either openly or privately with friends/members that may also be visiting the site at the same time.

Goodby for now, come back real soon! - NIHJA

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