"Stunning" Sid Stevens

FOWWW Juniorweight Champion
NICW World Tag Team Champion with Kevin Jericho

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 230lbs.
Hometown: Moncton, New Brunswick

"The Ego Tamer" (Texas Clover Leaf)

"The Stunnsault"

Personal Bio

Born in Canada, but raised in the States when his family moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota when Sid was 6 years old. Stevens was born in a rich family. His father, Richard Stevens, ran the family business which was passed on from his father before him. Sid attended a private school in his earlier years, this is where he met Stan Vega. Stevens and Vega joined the school's wrestling team, and always joked around about becoming professional wrestlers.

As the years went by, becoming a pro wrestler wasn't such a joke anymore. Stevens loved wrestling, as did Vega, but Sid is the one who excelled in it. When Sid was 15, he met someone that would change his life. While he was attending a CWF Pay-Per-View, he saw a wrestler by the name of Scott Logan defend the World title in his last match. After the show, Stevens and Vega went backstage (his father knew the promoter), and were able to talk to Logan. Sid and Stan went on asking all sorts of questions about the wrestling business. Logan seeing how eager the two teenagers were, told them to look for him after they got out of school, because he was now retired and was going to open a wrestling school. Stevens would do just that.... but at a high price. Richard Stevens, his father, disowned him. Stevens moved out of the family home, and lived on minimum wage jobs while training to become a wrestler.

At the age of 18, Stevens made his debut in the CWF. Sid dominated all of his matches, but having no gimmick he was kept at a mid-card level. Logan saw that Stevens was getting frustrated, so he sent him to Japan. There Stevens would get the experience he needed, and his technical wrestling ability would be appreciated. Now 20, Stevens had been wrestling in Japan for 2 years when he received word from home to come back immediately. His parents had been killed in a violent car wreck. Sid inheritated the family business, and left wrestling to run it.

The next few years were hard on Sid. He wasn't happy in the oil business, but he felt like he owed it to his father. In February of 98, Stan Vega came to visit Stevens in Minneapolis. Vega had been managing wrestlers in the CWF. He saw how miserable Stevens was, and convinced him to let other people run the business for awhile, and come back to wrestling. Sid realized that his father wouldn't have wanted him to be miserable, and that he had to live his own life.

So it was decided, in May of 98, Sid Stevens would be in the ring again. He signed with 2 federations: the NICW and the FOWWW. Vega was now "The Stunning One's" manager, and he first debuted in NICW on May 18th, and later on that month in the FOWWW.



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