The Berserkers are an A-grade underwater hockey team currently playing in the Tasmanian Underwater Hockey Association (TUHA) roster. All games are played at the Tattersall's Hobart Aquatic Centre in Hobart, Australia.

Currently there are 6 A-grade teams registered in the competition. There are also 8 A-reserve teams, 8 B-grade teams & 8 C-grade teams registered with the TUHA. Competition nights are Wednesday nights between 6:45pm and 10:00pm with 3 courts going at all times.
Each pennant consists of playing each other team three times (three rounds), then finals. Each pennant lasts about 18 weeks, with two seasons per year.
A full list of teams currently playing in all grades is HERE.
Training is on Monday and Thursday nights.

Tattersalls Hobart Aquatic Centre (left)
Site of 2000 world championships

Here are the underwater hockey pages...

Each have great underwater action shots, team photos, reports, etc. Soon sections will be devoted to Tas. Underwater Hockey Association, Worlds 2000 reports and updates, Interview pages, and more.

[Berserkers] [Tasmanian teams] [Australian teams] [Worlds 2000]

Other great sites...
Octopush Central
Ottawa Underwater Hockey
AUSTRALIAN Underwater Hockey site

Last updated 20 January 2000. Updated results of nationals in Perth on TAS pages, pennant II results on Berserkers pages.

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