This looks like the last time I will be communicating with you for the season. The half time was split by Da Highlife and by BoozeHound. That is a good thing in that they each owed money. They will be sharing the $100 prize. The Colonel wins the big pot. I'm thinking it is $185 but Robin will have to confirm that. This is not necessarily a bad thing but I do think it is an odd thing. It just seems wrong to start the year with The Colonel winning and ending the year with The Colonel winning. I say we all cheat him out of his money playing poker at the Pool Party

Threre has been a change of date for the Pool Party. The new date is FEB 21. We have to do this or else we can't play poker. It is too long to explain it here as I do not want to do that much typing. A simple reminder, we are celebrating Robin's new bathroom floor and the party will have a Polynesian theme. What does that mean to you, you ask? It means all the women who show up MUST wear coconut bras! Iron Duck will be wearing his grass skirt. I know, I know, I was just as shocked as you all are to hear he has a grass skirt but he swears he will be wearing one. Can hardly wait for that.

Here's a picture of that trophy for you Matt!.






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What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Do you smell carrots? .
If at first you don't succeed, rename yourself to Heckler.

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