The "Official" Downers Grove South Bowling Website
Welcome! This is the Official Downers Grove South Bowling Website.  We have a new look for the 2000-2001 season and we hope you enjoy some of the added features.  We've gone from a simple webpage to an entire site on which we can include more stats, pictures, and other fun things.  Just like the website, the team itself is rapidly changing.  Click on "Meet the Team" to get a closer look at who's new.  Keep track of conference and tournament standings my clicking on one of the selections below.  Also, check out the team highlights in the "Team Records".  Thanks for supporting the 2000-2001 Downers Grove South Girls Bowling Team!!! 
The 2000-2001 Roster, Averages, Conference Standings, Photos, and Quotes.  Get to know the new team!!!
Meet the Team
Check out where DGS is in the West Suburban Conference for the 2000-2001 season.  Varsity/JV Records.
Conference Standings
2000-2001 Team Photos!
Look at how the Mustangs are keeping busy in the 2000-2001 season! (Two pages of fun!!!) Go directly to page two
Results from the 2000 Wildcat Thanksgiving Tournament, Saturday, November 25th. 
The Plainfield Invitational
The Streamwood Invitational
Results from the 2000 Saber Invitational, December 9th.
The West Aurora Invitational
Results from the 2000 West Aurora (Blackhawk) Tournament, December 16th.
The Prospect Invitational
Results from the 2001 Prospect Invitational, January 6th.
The Buffalo Grove Invitational
Results from the first annual Buffalo Grove Invitational, January 13th, 2001.
The Hinsdale South Invitational
Results from the 2001 Ed Puck Invitational sponsered by Hinsdale South High School, January 19th.
The Leyden Invitational
Results from the 2001 Leyden Invitational, January 27th.
NEW!  Mustang Hall of Fame/Hall of Shame
Okay, so we can't be dignified all the time.  Check out these Mustang Miracles and Mistakes.  Hope your name isn't on there!!!
The WSC Conference Tournament
Results from the WSC Conference Tournament at Willowbrook Lanes on Monday, January 27th.  Host School: Hinsdale South School
IHSA Sectional Tournament
Results from the 2001 Hinsdale South Sectional Tournament at Willowbrook Bowl.  February 3rd, 2001.
2001 IHSA STATE Tournament Results from the 2001 State Tournament February 9th and 10th, 2001
2001  Mustang Awards Dinner
A recap of the 2000-2001 season and some fun photos as the Mustangs finish off the year in style! (Also including Mustang Mock Awards.)
Team Photos
Photos from the 1999-2000 Season. See some of the crazy Mustang bowlers in action.
2000 IHSA STATE Tournament
An interactive experience!  Katie Butcher, Megan Ryan, Julie Todd, and Coach Brasen hit the road to Rockford, Illinois.  Results from the Tournament are included.
2000  Mustang Awards Dinner
A recap of the 1999-2000 season and some fun photos as the Mustangs finish off the year in style!
See what the Mustangs are up to in these photos from the 1998-1999 season. 
Team Photos
The DGS Bowling Guestbook
Click here to sign the DGS Bowling Guestbook.  You can view other messages by clicking here.
Links to fun bowling sites!  Check out what the DGS Team does in it's free time.  (Hey Coach, thanks for Elf Bowling!!!!!)
The Links Page
The 2000-2001Team
Copyright Katie Butcher 1999/2000 and Megan Ryan 2000/2001