My My My........ looking at the guestbook lately we find we have our fair share of people sending very nasty messages. Well here we go now...... In the coming days, weeks, and months the truths about certain Wrestling "superstar icons" will be revealed. Yes the secret lives of the infamous "Big Daddy Diamond" better known as Dave Knapman his sidekick John Moyer and..... heck why not...... The return of that true superstar "Sheer Terror" aka Doug Lawson who has just recently been released from prison due to a series of fraud charges all related to his sterling CCW wrestling school. Now we do know that theses three individuals like to try and start fraudulant claims against people. OK guys if you want to contact us before the truths come out..... and believe us we are going to say everything ( buisness names, all the lies, games and all around shit related to you ) please do. We eagerly look forward to your responses.

As we are going to tell only the truth that we HAVE proof of there really isn't anything legally you can do to stop this. Your business is telling lies, stealing money, and smearing reputations. Ours will be setting the record straight. Look forward to every single person you screwed to post their stories here and we invite you to try and discredit them. As to the fans of the GWN, yes unfortunately its over. BUT!!! We will tell you exactly why..... in the upcoming days as each victim's pages on this website will present their experiences with the above named individuals. So click on the "Wrestlers profile" page inside to read their stories. Again to all fans of the GWN thank you for all your support we the victims of the GWN management group apologize on their behalf for they will never have the class to do it themselves.

Director of Public Relations
Paul Harry

Site last updated: NOVEMBER 8th, 1999


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