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The 2007 - 2008 Football regular season is here. Game On!! The picks for week two are up!! Use the web site, regular e-mail to jrford19@aol.com, cc: pelt170@aol.com or call me 784-2081, just make sure I get Your WEEKLY PICKS. I will have the spreads posted By every Wednesday Night. We are using USA Todays Wednesday newspaper edition of Danny Sheridans odds, (Newspaper 1st option, Internet 2nd option), I will be adding .5 point to even spreads to eliminate any ties, good luck to all! John Ford

The winners for WEEK ONE are four people tied at 11-5, total ponits tiebreaker goes to Winkler and WishamB with 35 total points. They will split 1st and 2nd place winnings. Sorry, Ask and Hynes, better luck next week. Get those payments in, don't wait til the last minute, deadline is WEEK 4. Good Luck!!

***ATTENTION!!!***NOTE***RULE CHANGE PROPOSAL***WEEKLY PICKS DUE TO ME ON SATURDAY NOT LATER THAN 11:00 a.m. CST***This will give me time to update the website prior to Sunday Kick Off and we can all enjoy the Sunday Games. Please respond "Yeh" or "Neh" in an e-mail to me ASAP, I would like to start this ASAP, WEEK TWO!!!! Go to the bottom of stats page to see rules, they are pretty much the same as last year and I will update as necessary.

		NO	Den	Pit	Phi	KC	Ten	Atl	NE	Car	Mia	TB	Chi	Det	NYG	Bal	Ari	Total	
Home Teams Ind Buf Cle GB Hou Jax Min NYJ StL Was Sea SD Oak Dal Cin SF Points
SPREADS -6.5 +3.5 +4.5 +3.5 -3.5 -7.5 -3.5 +7.5 even -3.5 -6.5 -6.5 -1.5 -6.5 -2.5 -3.5
Ask		NO	Buf	Pit	Phi	Hou	Ten	Min	NE	Car	Was	Sea	SD	Det	NYG	Bal	Ari	41

Bacon		Ind	Buf	Pit	Phi	KC	Jax	Min	NE	StL	Mia	Sea	SD	Det	NYG	Bal	SF	41


BoopL		NO	Buf	Pit	GB	Hou	Jax	Min	NE	StL	Was	Sea	Chi	Oak	Dal	Bal	Ari	39

BoopR		NO	Den	Pit	Phi	KC	Jax	Min	NE	Car	Was	Sea	Chi	Det	Dal	Cin	Ari	40

Brown		NO	Buf	Cle	Phi	Hou	Ten	Min	NE	StL	Was	Sea	Chi	Oak	Dal	Bal	SF	43

Burley		NO	Buf	Cle	Phi	KC	Ten	Atl	NE	StL	Mia	Sea	SD	Oak	NYG	Cin	SF	44

Burnett		Ind	Buf	Cle	Phi	KC	Ten	Min	NE	Car	Mia	TB	SD	Oak	NYG	Bal	SF	42 

Buzbee		NO	Den	Pit	Phi	KC	Ten	Min	NE	Car	Was	Sea	SD	Det	Dal	Bal	SF	38

Eldridge	Ind	Den	Pit	GB	Hou	Ten	Min	NYJ	StL	Was	Sea	Chi	Oak	Dal	Cin	Ari	37

Flatt		NO	Den	Pit	Phi	KC	Jax	Min	NE	Car	Mia	Sea	SD	Det	Dal	Cin	SF	45

Ford		NO	Buf	Cle	Phi	KC	Ten	Min	NYJ	StL	Mia	TB	SD	Oak	Dal	Bal	Ari	49

Francis		Ind	Den	Pit	GB	KC	Ten	Min	NE	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Det	Dal	Bal	SF	42

Glynn		NO	Den	Cle	Phi	KC	Ten	Min	NE	Car	Was	Sea	SD	Det	Dal	Bal	Ari	47

Haus		NO	Den	Pit	Phi	KC	Ten	Atl	NE	StL	Mia	Sea	SD	Det	NYG	Cin	SF	45

Haynes		NO	Den	Pit	Phi	Hou	Ten	Min	NE	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Det	Dal	Cin	SF	45

Healis		NO	Buf	Pit	Phi	Hou	Jax	Min	NE	Car	Was	TB	Chi	Det	NYG	Cin	Ari

Hoggie			Den	Pit	Phi	KC	Jax	Min	NE	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Det	NYG	Cin	SF 

Horton		Ind	Buf	Cle	GB	Hou	Jax	Min	NYJ	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Oak	Dal	Cin	SF	45

Hynes		NO	Den	Pit	Phi	Hou	Ten	Min	NE	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Det	Dal	Cin	Ari	27

Kellum		Ind	Den	Pit	GB	KC	Jax	Min	NYJ	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Oak	Dal	Bal	SF	40


Pelt			Buf	Cle	GB	Hou	Jax	Min	NYJ	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Oak	Dal	Cin	SF

Poreider	Ind	Den	Pit	Phi	Hou	Ten	Min	NE	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Det	Dal	Bal	SF	49

Rebstock	Ind	Den	Pit	Phi	Hou	Ten	Min	NYJ	StL	Mia	TB	SD	Det	NYG	Bal	SF	42


Robinson	Ind	Den	Pit	GB	KC	Ten	Min	NE	Car	Mia	TB	SD	Oak	Dal	Bal	SF	38

Smallman	Ind	Den	Cle	Phi	KC	Ten	Min	NYJ	Car	Mia	Sea	SD	Det	NYG	Cin	Ari	38

VanDinter	Ind	Den	Pit	GB	KC	Jax	Min	NYJ	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Det	Dal	Bal	SF	45

Wiener		Ind	Den	Pit	Phi	KC	Jax	Min	NE	StL	Was	Sea	SD	Det	NYG	Cin	SF	47

Winkler		Ind	Buf	Pit	Phi	KC	Ten	Min	NE	StL	Mia	Sea	SD	Oak	NYG	Cin	Ari	35

WishamB			Den	Pit	Phi	Hou	Ten	Min	NYJ	Car	Mia	Sea	SD	Det	NYG	Cin	Ari	35

WishamC			Buf	Cle	Phi	Hou	Jax	Atl	NE	Car	Mia	TB	Chi	Det	Dal	Bal	Ari	32

Wisser		NO	Den	Pit	Phi	KC	Jax	Min	NE	Car	Mia	Sea	SD	Det	Dal	Cin	SF	20

Youngblood		Den	Cle	Phi	Hou	Jax	Min	NE	StL	Was	TB	SD	Det	Dal	Bal	Ari	45

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