my wantlist
my photobucket
set fillers and smaller inserts
contact me |
I am Gordon, Nice to have you here!
I enjoy collect cards especially Utah Jazz players cards, I
also collect other sports and some comics and movie cards too,
I have been in this hobby for over 15 years now, been trading
on internet since 1997.Please
visit my photobucket for cards I have for trade, most of my
AU/GU are listed in my photobucket.
I'll tried to list some smaller inserts and set fillers in
here...if I have time, I'm lazy...
Some of my treasure collection are also
in my photobucket!
Please help me to fill my want list!!!
Update whenever I have new stuffs for trade!
Last update:
07-04-2007 13:26:32 +0800
this is gordon's
sport cards
trading page ver. 3.22