

my wantlist
my photobucket

set fillers and smaller inserts

contact me

I am Gordon, Nice to have you here!
I enjoy collect cards especially Utah Jazz players cards, I also collect other sports and some comics and movie cards too, I have been in this hobby for over 15 years now, been trading on internet since 1997.

Please visit my photobucket for cards I have for trade, most of my AU/GU are listed in my photobucket.
I'll tried to list some smaller inserts and set fillers in here...if I have time, I'm lazy...

Some of my treasure collection are also in my photobucket!

Please help me to fill my want list!!!

Update whenever I have new stuffs for trade!

Last update: 07-04-2007 13:26:32 +0800

this is gordon's sport cards trading page ver. 3.22


My recent pulls:
06-07 SPx Spectrum Michael Jordan -21/25-
06-07 SPx Spectrum Charlie VIllanueva -15/25-
06-07 SPx Rookie Autographed Jersey Marcus Williams -0460/1199-
06-07 SPx Rookie Adam Morrison -1947/1999-
06-07 SP Signature Edition Signature Styles Jason Kidd AU -12/25-


 I am member of these great trading communities:

my TR id: moosejaw00

Cardboard Dreams CD#045
Usenet good traders UGT1
G.A.B. Rank Commander
S.T.C. id: moosejaw00

You are visitor # 

since July 1997

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