Did you or someone you know attend one of these now non-existent Wyoming high schools?

These high schools were either consolidated with each other, or closed outright.

Most recently added to the list is Albin, which closed after the 2003 school year.

At the bottom of the table, I've added a section for schools that have changed their nicknames.

These are the schools I have nicknames for, and if you think you can help me with this page in any way, email me!

Albin High School (Albin)Wildcats2003Pine Bluffs
Arvada High School (Arvada)Piratesmid-1960s?Arvada-Clearmont
Basin High School (Basin)Bobcats1987 Riverside
Byron High School (Byron)Eagles1983 Rocky Mtn.
Carpenter High School (Carpenter)Coyotes1950s? 60s?Burns
Clearmont High School (Clearmont)Panthersmid-1960s?Arvada-Clearmont
Cowley High School (Cowley)Jaguars1983Rocky Mtn.
Dayton High School (Dayton)Elks1956 Tongue River
Deaver-Frannie High School (Deaver)Trojans 1977 or 1983?Rocky Mtn.
Egbert High School (Egbert)Bulldogs1950s??Burns
Elk Mountain High School (Elk Mountain)Cowboys1940s? 50s?Hanna-Elk Mountain
Ft. Laramie High School (Ft. Laramie)Pioneers1950s??Lingle-Ft. Laramie
Goshen Hole High School (Veteran)Spartans1980Southeast
Guernsey High School (Guernsey)Longhorns1963Guernsey-Sunrise
Hawk Springs High School (Hawk Springs)Hawks1966Southeast
Heart Mountain High School (Heart Mountain camp)Eagles1945N/A
Hillsdale High School (Hillsdale)Pioneers1950s?Burns
Huntley High School (Huntley)Cardinals1980Southeast
Jeffrey City High School (Jeffrey City)Longhorns1997Lander
Lagrange High School (Lagrange)Longhorns1992Southeast
Manderson High School (Manderson)Demons??Riverside
Manderson-Hyattville High School (Manderson)Demons1987Riverside
Manville High School (Manville)Panthers1954?Lusk
McFadden High School (McFadden)Oilersmid-50s?Rock River
Medicine Bow High School (Medicine Bow)Wranglers1999Hanna
Morton High School (Morton)Broncs1969Wind River
Osage High School (Osage)Warriors???Newcastle or Upton
Pavillion High School (Pavillion)Panthers1969Wind River
Ranchester High School (Ranchester)Rustlers1956Tongue River
Reliance High School (Reliance)Pirates1958?Rock Springs
Rozet High School (Rozet)Mustangs1958Gillette
St. Mary's (Seton) High School (Cheyenne)Gaelsearly 1990s?East or Central
Sunrise High School (Sunrise)Miners1963Guernsey-Sunrise
Superior High School (Superior)Dragons1962?Rock Springs
University Prep High School (Laramie)Buckaroos1970s?Laramie
Veteran High School (Veteran)Eagles1966Southeast
Yoder High School (Yoder)Bobcats1966Southeast
Nickname Changes
Dubois High SchoolBroncsRams
Clearmont High SchoolClowns(A-C) Panthers
Midwest High SchoolWildcatsOilers
Star Valley High SchoolCheesemakersBraves

These are the few schools I don't have names for...
Hartville (maybe?) ???, Hyattville ???. Once again, if you can help me out, email me! Every little bit helps.

Work compiled by Patrick Schmiedt, please don't go using this for illegal purposes, okay?

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Arvada Pirates Basin Bobcats Byron Eagles Carpenter Coyotes Cowley Jaguars Clearmont Panthers Dayton Elks Deaver-Frannie Trojans Egbert Bulldogs Elk Mountain Cowboys Ft. Laramie Pioneers Goshen Hole Spartans Guernsey Longhorns Hawk Springs Hawks Heart Mountain Eagles Hillsdale Pioneers Huntley Cardinals Jeffrey City Longhorns Lagrange Longhorns Manderson Demons Manderson-Hyattville Demons Manville Panthers McFadden Oilers Medicine Bow Wranglers Morton Broncs Osage Warriors Pavillion Panthers Ranchester Rustlers Reliance Pirates Rozet Mustangs St. Mary's Gaels Sunrise Miners Superior Dragons University Prep Buckaroos Veteran Eagles Yoder Bobcats