
The Mowhawk was just temporary.  Click here if you want to know why I shaved my head

My wife wants you all to know that the mohawk was just temporary, and that I shaved my head for a good cause

For those of you who don't know me my name is Jim Ferry

Age: 27

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 320lbs

Location: I consider Orem, Utah my home, however I have lived in New Hampshire, Florida, and South Korea.

Family: I am married, and my wife Laura, and I have 2 beautiful little girls named Ashley, and Jessica, and 1 mangy cat who eats all my tuna fish, and gets more attention from my wife, and daughters than I do.

Occupation: I do quality assurance for Home Financial Network basically I break home banking software for a living, and my wife is a Full Time Mother.


  • Power lifting I am currently focusing on powerlifting.
  • Music (My favorite group is RUSH)
  • Genealogy
  • Jeeps (if any of you are interested in selling your early 80's CJ8 let me know)
  • Quake II (I play CTF under the name Cheezypoof, or Batman)
  • Intresting things about me that most people don't know

  • I maried my high school sweatheart.
  • At one time I spoke Korean fluently as a second language (I am a little rusty now).
  • I am a sunday school teacher (this year I am teaching the New Teastament).
  • Click here to see the latest pictures

    click here to send me mailjferry@homeatm.com