- Home: Toronto, Ontario
- Birthday:May 26th, 1983
- School:Bishop Strachan
- Sports/Hobbies: HorseBack Riding and Figure Skating.

- Favourite Skaters: Bourne&Kraatz, Sargeant&Wirtz, Keyla Ohs, Irina Slutskaya, Tara Lipinski (when I don't feel like slapping her)
- Favourite TV Show:
(the Vampire Slayer)
- Favourite Movies: Scream, Scream2, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Strike, Ever After, Good Will Hunting.
- Favourite Quote:"You learn more from when you lose then when you win."-Shae-Lynn Bourne
- Member of:The CFS (duh), The Boogedy Boogedy Club, Buffy, Eh?, Monkey Pants Annonymous...
- Email: VampireSlayer2@yahoo.com, Julles@alloymail.com
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