Go Heels

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Univ. of North Carolina

Hi! I'm Earl Owens -- runner, bicycle racer, triathlete, coach, writer, Scout leader, backpacker, traveler and Tar Heel!

As you can probably tell I am an alumnus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I lettered in cross country and track & field.

For the latest information about Carolina track & field and cross-country click here.
UNC Results and Schedule Page

This information comes directly from the UNC coaching staff.

If you are a Scout or Scout leader you will enjoy my information on Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. I have journals from itineraries 7 & 12, photo album, gear list, trail menu and much more!.
There are almost 100 pictures on the album page!
Philmont Pages

Eventually I hope to have links to all of the best sites for my main passions -- running, Scouting and the Heels!.

For some great Scout information go to the Boy Scout Troop 764 web site:

Troop 764

I am still developing content for this page, so please come back and visit me later. Thanks!


Email me by clicking on my name below:
Earl Owens

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© 1999,  Earl Owens   All rights reserved.

Last revised August 5, 1999.