Liver Smothered 
in Cottage Cheese
-by Sancho
Our very own Galloping 
Gourmet strikes again with
the Nevermind staff's per-
sonal favorite dish.
         Recent Updates: 
            (May 31) How to Sign a Yearbook
            (May 30) Fried Turtle Eggs Covered in Mayo
            (May 29)  Funny Jokes
Madonna- And Her Little Friend
By Scott "Vampire Town" Lorenz

"Madonna: Well, I must confess at first I was a little
that my looks had deteriorated over the years,
but I thought I could still pull it off.
But when I realized that every where I go
people would just stare at my teeth.
I figured I better do something drastic. So I just
stopped taking showers and didn't
comb my hair in the hopes that they wouldn't
look at my teeth.

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  Chocolate CoveredCaterpillar Calzone
Our very luscious Sancho tosses us another tasty meal! Boy howdy can that woman cook!

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  The Wizard of Poop in a No-Holds Barred Interview
With Local Teacher!
"Ryan: Isn't that a little off the sub..

%%^#@: You hush when I am talking boy! You want a quiz... You know you just gotsta have a love for de kids. Any questions? Any comments? All right then. Ok."

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Jonathan "Has Wings and Flies"
" minute I'm simply walking down the halls asking various people if they had seen Elvis lately,
and then the next thing I know, those bastards kicked me
out of Graceland!"

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