Ultimate Four, and Hershey Kiss Figure Skating Competition!
At ...MY rink!
In the past 2 years 2 big skating competitions were held at my rink. They were both WONDERFUL!!! The Ultimate Four! It was AWESOME! The skaters who skated in it were: Michelle Kwan, Maria Butyrskaya, Irina Slutskaya, Yuka Sato, Todd Eldredge, Kurt Browning :), Ilia Kulick, Alexei Urmanov, Elena Beresnaya & Anton Sukharulidze, Oksana Kozrakova & Artur Dmitrive, Jeni Meno & Todd Sands, Kyoto Ina & Jason Dungjen, Elizabeth Punsalan & Jerod Swallow, Anjelika Krylova & Oleg Ovsianikov. And for the Hershey Kiss: Krisit Yamaguchi, Michelle Kwan, Sarah Hughes, Katerina Witt, Maria Buterskaya, Yuka Sato, Todd Eldridge, Michael Weiss, Rudy Galindo, Elvis Stojko, Viktor Petrinko, Alexi Yagudin, The Hartsels, Koyko Ina and John Zimmerman, Elena & Anton, Oksana & Autor, Elizabeth Punsalen & Jarod Swallow, and Maya Usova & Evegni Platov.
IT was AWESOME! I got to be a flower girl!
PICTURES from the competition!!!
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