NEWS form the Office of Jim Crockett, Jr.

1. Well I have updated the Mid-Atlantic Page, as you can tell.
2. I have decided to VACATE the Mid-Atlantic Title, due to the actions of two former champions, KRaZ-e and JD Johnson. Both men have showed little respect for the rules and for their actions I an going to give each man what he wants, EACH OTHER! KRaZ-E and Johnson will wrestle for the T.V Title in a best of seven series. Should it take the full seven matches, the seventh will be in a steel cage.
3. At the NeWA PPV, Lord of the Rings, I have submitted 2 matches from the Mid-Atlantic. They are 1) Mid-Atlantic Champion, Lycos, taking on EWC T.V Champion, HICAL. The winner will get both belts and a shot at either the NeWA World Champion OR the NeWA International Champion when they come through the Mid and North Atlantic, and 2) The Angels of the Night, will defend the Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship in a match with the opponents named at match time! Why am I forcing them to defend? Well have you sen them put the belts up, even once since Crowing Event? Neither have I!
That is all for now, see you later,
