
Because we are growing and the member page is hard to keep up with, we will only be releasing member names from now on. E-mail will still remain the same, such as Attn: JLearan or Attn: Erin. Any members looking for partners will be listed here, as well as the Wanted page. "Seeking" pairs skaters will be marked wit a single *, and seeking dancers are marked with a double **.

Jami Learan

Linnie Wang

Abbi Leigh

Kristen Moreno*

Chris Lam

Jenn Brown


Kristi Lemieux


Lanvy Huynh

Dave Forest

Bryan Weiss

Raquel Toledo**

Alessandra Michechic

Gosia Piotrowska-Trofumiuk

Zybch Piotrowska-Trofumiuk

Sergio Cardenas

Chris Scott-Lereaux

Jennie Vicinie

Isabelle Orser

Christine Eisler

Christian Damman

Victoria Venice

Jimena Almendares

Abby Baker

Renee Todd

Susan Soares

Chelsea Slack

Sarah Baum


Isabelle Brosseu

Ryan Orser

Isabelle Orser




Jayne Olson


Alia Schimanke

Jessica Aronstam

Lydia Barishnovaka

Beata Ho


Katia Kelly*

Stella Thomas

Emily White

Casey Drexler

Andreas Wels

Lindsey R.

Nadia Desovo

Scarlett Burns


Marc Laret

Sidney Robinson

Tonya Correll

Ricky Stakem**

Sonia Bougie

Kirsten Barnes

We request that all members try to have their own e-mail addresses. Get free accounts at Hotmail or Yahoo!. If you know of any other e-mail services, please let us know.

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