Camps and Camping Programs

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Text Box:      This summer let the Danvers Community YMCA be your one stop camp program for your children ages 4 through 14.  Since the 1950’s the Danvers Y has offered Summer Camp to thousands of youth.  We offer a large variety of summer programs that will keep any child busy and at the same time will provide experiences and memories that will last forever.  

    Our Danvers YMCA Stiles Pond Day Camp, located at our camp site in Boxford, on Stiles Pond; offers swimming, boating, fishing, sports, challenge adventure programs, crafts, nature and much more.  Youth ages 6 to 14 are provided transportation from locations in Danvers, Boxford, Topsfield and Middleton.  This is a great traditional camping program for a summer on the pond and outdoors.  Before and After camp care allows parents to drop children off as early as 7:30 AM and pick them up by 6:00 PM.  Sign up for 1 or up to 8 weeks of fun.

     Our Danvers YMCA Adventure Camp, located at the Y’s     facility in Danvers offers a flexible camp program for children ages 4 to 12.  Children can register for 2, 3 or 5 days each week during the summer.  Younger campers can also register for a shortened day.  Before and After camp care allows parents to drop children off as early as 7:30 AM and pick them up by 6:00 PM.  Program includes recreational swimming, sports, crafts, nature study, story telling and much more.  

     Our Danvers YMCA Trip Adventure Camp offers youth in grades 5 to 8 a fun option for the end of the summer.  Youth can sign up for a week of traveling adventure.  The Y’s camp bus travels to sites in Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire each day, with part of each day taking part in      activities at the Y’s Danvers facility.  

     Our Danvers YMCA Sports and Climbing Camps fill in our summer program, making sure that there is something for every child.  Basketball, Climbing Adventure, Field Hockey, Soccer, Arts and Golf Camp are some of the offerings.  

     Let our Danvers Community YMCA be your one stop venue for this summer’s camping experience.  Whether it be for a chance to learn something new, for childcare to know that your children are safely cared for or for a way to keep your children busy during their summer vacation.  Your Danvers Y has the programs and facilities to care for today’s youth.

Questions can be answered by emailing the Y or give us a call at 978-774-2055.