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Membership Information

Text Box: *Joiners fee is paid when membership is started.  Joiners fees are placed in the  Capital Fund for repairs, new equipment and future building.

Membership fees can be paid for in a number of ways.  The Y accepts cash, check, MasterCard,Visa, Discover and American Express.  Members can choose payment in full for one year or a monthly draft program from checking, savings or credit card.  The cost is the same with either plan.  Payment in full is 12 times the draft rate.

You can join

 anywhere, but

 at the YMCA

you belong!

Summer Hours

   (June 28—Sept 7th)

Mon-Fri:  5:30 am-10:00 pm

Sat:  7:00 am—4:00 pm

Sun:  Closed

Fall/Winter/Spring Hours

   Beginning 09/17/08–06/27/09

Mon-Fri:  5:30 am-10:00 pm

Sat:  7:00 am-8:00 pm*

Sun:  9:00 am-4:00 pm


The Y’s Cardio and Strength Training Center is available for ages 14 through active older adults.  Supervised equipment include a full circuit of Nautilus equipment, many treadmills for walking and jogging, StairMasters, Concept II Rowing Machines, computerized upright and recumbant exercise bikes, Precor Elliptical cardiovascular machines bikes and much more.  The Y’s fitness specialist will instruct correct form to help members get in the routine of training.  Televisions help with holding interest while exercising the Danvers YMCA way.


Y Member, Church , Civic, Social and Scout groups may schedule the use of the Y's pool on Saturdays and Sundays. Time is available afternoons and evenings. Call the Y at 978-774-2055 for details. Makes a nice birthday party for kids. Up to 20 in party. There are many options available to make your child’s party something to remember.


When school in Danvers is cancelled due to weather, all morning classes at the Y will be cancelled. For afternoon and evening classes, call
978-774-2055 one hour prior to the scheduled class time. When in doubt, please call first to see if programs are on or off due to weather. The Danvers Y will not make up classes missed due to inclement weather.


In the Cardio and
Strength Training Center a large variety of cardiovascular machines allow members complete cross-training.  Each days workout can vary to allow all muscle groups a complete routine.  One day work out on the treadmills, another on the StairMasters and yet another on the Elliptical machines.  Members choose which machines meet their goals the best.

Danvers Community YMCA
General Informational Page
Phone (978)774-2055
Fax (978)750-4457

*Saturday 8:00 PM Closing Hour

  runs through May.

Text Box: Rates effective August 2008