Reservoirs of truth decaying before your eyes,
Untouched memories exposed, denied.
Paraphrased feelings escape your mind.
Blood curdling fear overwhelms your soul.
Where to go, where to go? I don’t know!
Gleaming rifts that span the echoes of time,
Unclaimed happiness washed away, you lied.
Revelations of peace have been deprived.
Blood curdling fear overwhelms your soul.
Where to go, where to go? I don’t know!
Darkness envelops your weakened womb.
Honor and virtue rotted away, consumed.
Everything held collectively protrudes.
Blood curdling fear overwhelms your soul.
Where to go, where to go? I don’t know!
The essence of reality has been defaced.
Thoughts once heard loudly, now erased.
Emptiness remains constantly unchanged.
Blood curdling fear overwhelms your soul.
Where to go, where to go? I don’t know!
Pain and suffering cease to exist
Silence lingers for all eternity, persists.
Darkness unable to be observed bereft.
Blood curdling fear overwhelms your soul.
Where to go, where to go? No one knows. . .
Copyright© 2003 Scott Krist