WCW vs. NWO or is it
WCW vs. NWONate and I have decided to add our own wrestling page. We love WCW because it is the bomb. SO, now we have it. All you have to do is send us your questions about your favorite wrestlers.
Well none of these guys are all that good but I will tell you how I feel
1.) Goldberg- He's good but he hasn't met The Best There Is, The Best There Was &
The Best There Ever Will Be
2.) Hogan- He's a has been he should just retire but not before Bret Hart beats him
3.) Sting- Well he is okay but wait until the Hitman gets ahold of him
4.) KDog- He plain just sucks he should just go be in some gang somewhere
Hope this feedback helps you and this is just my opinion but<3<3<3<3 BRET HART IS THE HART OF WRESTLING TODAY AND FOREVER <3<3<3<3
Sean's thoughts:
Let met think about this and respond to each point.
Nate's Thoughts:
Sean's response to Nate:
I don't have much to say to Nate other than GOLDBERG got help to win his belt. Everyone needs help. What is wrong with that??? Anyway he is right about the rest.
Nate's Response to Sean:
I don't have much to say to Sean either. We agree that is kind of weird I know but we do.
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