Update: These pages debuted on the Geocities server on April 8, 1998
These pages first debuted on November 13, 1996. Version 1 was created almost exclusively using Notepad, a text editor, with the help of a book called Learning HTML in 7 Days borrowed from our computer guys Matt Arnold and Ryan Oliver at the University of Florida. The pages were maintained mostly with Word Perfect 8 in combination with Notepad and Netscape Communicator 4.0.1.
Version 2 of the homepage will feature a flashier layout dependent upon mostly stolen JavaScript code. The main index page of Version 2 appeared on February 13, 1998, and I intend to gradually upgrade all of the pages.
UPDATE: Version 2 of the college football page was added on March 31, 1998.
Now, for some detailed credits:
Main index page: The script used was modified in no substantial way from the website of the League of Conservation Voters. Although I doubt our politics match, I approve of their graphical menus! The graphical buttons were created using Adobe Illustrator 7 and Adobe Photoshop 4; for the quick stuff like image cropping I like to use GraphX Viewer (freeware from Group 42).
College football page: My thanks to my NCAA expert panel for keeping this page fun and constantly changing. My thanks to the WAJL website for serving as a repository for team logos which I use to spice up the picks page.
Neal Broten page: My thanks to all the Neal Broten fans out there who have stopped by and made comments, and especially to Janelle Wolfson for providing me with several Broten pictures and first hand accounts.
Finally, mention should be made of the Project Cool website. Not only does Project Cool provide excellent HTML and JavaScript reference material, but it also selects a new web page every day as an example of good web authoring. It was through them that I found the League of Conservation Voters web site and countless others that made less obvious but important contributions to the evolution of my pages.
Thanks to Ryan at the Psychology Department for allowing me to keep these pages running while I find them a new home.