ricky (cuz) - 12/12/00 02:24:51
My Email:rickyj01@hotmail.com
Where did you hear about my page?: april (cuz)
Favorite band?: nunya
Favorite color?: the one that dont exist
Hobbies: nunya
Where are you from?: if u dont know i wont say!
Favorite movie/movies?: XXX
geta life and get off the net! (HA! HA!) tell my brother to get ahold of me.
cassie collins - 11/28/00 00:58:49
My Email:cassie1st@bolt.com
Where did you hear about my page?: april!!!!
Favorite band?: areosmith.many more
Favorite color?: BLUE
Hobbies: UMM>>>>DANCING
Where are you from?: RICHWOOD
Favorite movie/movies?: dirty dancing
HEY CHICK>>>>>>i just found about this hehe.
andy" fuzz" skeen - 11/12/00 03:57:49
Where did you hear about my page?: talked to you on icq
Favorite band?: korn
Favorite color?: black/purple
Hobbies: games
Where are you from?: south charleston wv
Favorite movie/movies?: comedy
hello i am talking to you on icq right now hehe
Joey - 10/07/00 23:56:34
My Email:Hello
Where did you hear about my page?: Whats up?
Favorite band?: Yup.
Favorite color?: of course
Hobbies: not really
Where are you from?: Hey heres 1: Huntington
Favorite movie/movies?: Not really.....
Hey beautiful,
That line is backed up all the way to charleston!!! Your boy better get on the ball and ask you.... All those poor men you would have to turn away.... espcially me =*( lol j/k.... nice site!!! keep it up!!!
alycia adams - 09/16/00 23:06:45
My Email:green_eyed_lady_81@yahoo.com
Where did you hear about my page?: you dummy.
Favorite band?: the lumberjack express LOL
Favorite color?: blue
Hobbies: none
Where are you from?: Richwood
Favorite movie/movies?: gone w/ the wind
I think you're a big ol poopy pants miss BITH! talk to ya later.
Kenny Cooper - 09/05/00 01:37:19
My Email:cooper70@marshall.edu
Favorite band?: Sublime
Favorite color?: green
Where are you from?: Huntington
Hey Beautiful! Call me sometime so we can hang out again. Hope to hear your voice beautiful. Kenny
JOSH MASON - 08/31/00 08:59:22
My Email:theoverman@hotmail.com
Where did you hear about my page?: i was reading mike andrick's guestbook, and, well...
Favorite band?: sheer terror, piebald, and the rocky horror picture show soundtrack
Favorite color?: black, but it's not really a color
Hobbies: i sleep a lot, and i play on instant messenger
Where are you from?: born in wheeling, raised in new martinsville, live in morgantown
Favorite movie/movies?: i liked dead man a lot, and rocky horror is pretty damn good.
...nothing, really. boredom takes you strange places. i hope my signing of this guestbook makes somewhat think about something. that's usually my goal. amber, keep on truckin'.
charlie amos - 08/05/00 07:44:37
My Email:jimi_thing_21@hotmail.com
Where did you hear about my page?: u told me:))
Favorite band?: stained sublime, creed, papa roach
Favorite color?: green
Hobbies: Playing guitar
Where are you from?: summersville wv
Favorite movie/movies?: Dazed N Confused
nice page ur cute lol
ryan - 06/22/00 04:01:07
Aaron J. - 06/14/00 15:37:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/baaronj
My Email:BAaronJ@aol.com
Where did you hear about my page?: ICQ chat
Favorite band?: Five Iron Frenzy
Favorite color?: khaki
Hobbies: video production
Where are you from?: WV
Favorite movie/movies?: The Apostle, Mission Impossible
cool website. I like the pics.
Kakarot - 06/14/00 04:27:36
My Email:molipps@hotmail.com
Where did you hear about my page?: you
Favorite band?: Guns-N-Roses
Hobbies: 420
Where are you from?: wv
Favorite movie/movies?: cheech and Chong
i have no clue who anyone was
so i smoke a fatty for all these people
Kenny Cooper - 05/18/00 18:15:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/kcoop69
My Email:bassline@angelfire.com
Where did you hear about my page?: On icq
Favorite band?: Sublime
Favorite color?: green :) (hehe)
Hobbies: um....does beer count?
Where are you from?: Beckley, WV
Favorite movie/movies?: The Matrix
Hey Amber
Havent spoken to you in forever. I dont know how often you do anything to this page but i am going to sign this ANYWAY!!! Hehe. Well i dunno what to say except i have been thinking about you and maybe one of these days (soon) we can get together again :).
anyway im gonna stop writing now. gimmie a call :)
soapbox88 - 05/17/00 19:51:35
My Email:soapbox88@hotmail.com
Where did you hear about my page?: u typed it into my pc
Favorite band?: OH U KNOW!!!!!!!
Favorite color?: HEHEHE
Hobbies: DUUUUH!!!!!!!!
Where are you from?: my "Little Laurel'ed hut.
Favorite movie/movies?: u tell me and we'll both know.....lol
Hey amber......since that "jon boy" character was so rude, I thought I'd be the polite one and say congrats on awards day and such!!!!!!! ;-) TTYL!!! AND GET SOME MORE PICS ON ALREADY!!!!!!!LOL
Jon Boy - 04/24/00 19:19:24
My URL:jon_boy22@hotmail.com
My Email:jon_boy22@hotmail.com
Where did you hear about my page?: it was odd.....came onto my keyboard outta your fingers
Favorite band?: GOOD ones.....lol
Favorite color?: GREEN.....lol
Hobbies: this doesn't even deserve a response....lol
Where are you from?: Richwood,WV
Favorite movie/movies?: ones that r worth watching.....lol
Great page amber......but hurry up and get the other pics on here already....GEEEEEZ.......lol......later!!!!!!!
Kevin - 04/24/00 00:15:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Lounge/2912/index.htm
My Email:Newport News, VA
Where did you hear about my page?: from you silly!
Favorite band?: The Cure, Metallica
Favorite color?: Blue
Hobbies: playing guitar, raquetball
Where are you from?Newport News,VA
Favorite movie/movies?: Braveheart
great page... keep updated... I want to see its ongoing progress...
Amber Easter - 04/17/00 03:46:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tweety6715
Where you from?:Summersville, WV
Where did you hear about my page?: My guest book
Favorite band?: John Workman (yes he counts) :-)
Favorite color?: Green
Hobbies: School
Favorite actor/actress?: dunno
Favorite movie/movies?: 10 Things I Hate About You
Hey Amber! Nice page. Checked my guest book and saw the link. Didn't know anyone but you and Marcie...kinda sad since we're in the same county. Well, anyhow...keep in touch, and stay out of trouble. TTYL p.s. DOWN WITH WENDY'S!!! hehe
Christopher Dillard - 04/13/00 03:34:17
My URL:http://noneyadamnbuisness.com
Where you from?:Richwood unfortunatly
Where did you hear about my page?: from a little birdy named Amber
Favorite band?: Metallica
Favorite color?: Orange
Hobbies: Football....um....Football....and er hey I like to hike and stuff like outdoorsy stuff...and whats that other thing again? Oh yeah....football.
Favorite actor/actress?: Actor: Kevin Costner Actress: Winona Rider I guess hell I dont know
Favorite movie/movies?: Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, the Postman, and Beauty and the Beast (shut up)
Well I dont know a whole lot but I know this. Though a leopard cant change its spots it can change its destiny. Though he can eat grass he does not like it. The Leopard will always hunt for prey. Like the snake...it knows itself and stikes quickly. Transl
tion...it knows what its capable of and believes in itself. So it doesnt think twice about what it does...because it believes in it.