Dear THS Juniors and families,


How exciting as you have only two years before you venture out on your own!!   That means we (Class of 2009 Parent Group) have only two years to fund and plan Senior Week activities.   I encourage all of you to attend the Parent Group Meetings on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Molinas Park, 401 Main Street.  (Bad weather we will meet at the Recreation Center.)  Senior Week has become a tradition and opportunity for us all to celebrate a milestone.  Two events discussed for Senior Week 2009 are a Senior Trip and an All Night Party with a gift for every graduate.  As you can imagine, in order to send the kids on a trip and the purchase of graduation gifts, will not be any small task.  We will need everyone’s, Students and their families, support and input.



Please share your contact information with one of the people below (e-mail preferred) so that you can stay informed.  We are collecting $15 each month or $150 by June 2008 from each graduate’s family.  Your help is needed for the following fundraisers:

Car Wash and Bake Sale, Sat. 9/8/07  9:00 – 2:00;

Call Peggy Brown or Valerie Diaz

Air Show ‘Subway’ Booth, Weds.9/19/07 10:00 – 4:00;

Call Lesa Sherwood or Nelda Burson

Item Sales, Ongoing throughout the year

Call Bobbi Sandoval

A Dinner – End of October

Call Cheryl Simpson

A Cake Walk – Cake Decorators Wanted

A Just-For-Fun Coed Softball Tournament with Concession Stand


Do you have an idea?  Please get involved.  Contact any of the following people or come to our next meeting Monday, September 10th 5:30 p.m.


Cheryl Simpson (or Scott Simpson)                  461-2709 (H) 461-1300 (W)

Curtis Simpson’s Parents

Peggy Brown (or Jonathan Brown)                   461-1300 (W)

Brooke Brockman’s Parents

Debbie Fought (or Wayne Fought)

Ryan Fought’s Parents

Brenda Encinias (or Eddie Encinias)

Rich Encinias’ Parents