This match was an unexpected surprise in that noone thought Debo would have an opponent in the first round. POP decided to step up to the challenge but was shown that Debo hadn't lost a step as the dirtiest player in the game, when he immediately grabbed a steel chair and drilled POP before the match even began. The ref rang the bell, and Debo threw POP into the ring and followed him in stomping POP the whole way. Debo then whipped POP into the ropes and ran him down with a monster clothesline before picking him up and drilling him with an impressive chokeslam. Debo then pinned POP before stomping him into the mat.
In the Second match of the first heat, we saw Nick Hart make his return to the ring against the new comer MC New York. The Match started off with MC New York launching a a flurry of blows at nick hart before throwing him to the corner. MC New York then charged into the corner, drilling Hart with a reverse elbow, laying the champion flat on his stomach. MC New York then Climbed to the top rope and flew into the air with what was intended to be an elbow smash, but Nick Hart was playing possum and moved at the last second. Hart then quickly capitalized on his opponents mistake by quickly locking on a figure four, but MC NEw York managed to keep his wits about him and grab the ropes for the clean break. New York then flew at Hart again with a barrage of kicks and punches, driving Hart back into the ropes, but Hart fired back before whipping New York into the ropes and dropping him with a reverse toe hold and quickly locking on the Hartbreaker. MC NEW York quickly tapped out, and Hart moved into the next round to meet Debo.
this Match started with the new guy Blakk entering the ring and staring down DuGAul. Blakk then started to launch punches, but DuGaul avoided them all, before avoiding Blakk's Clothesline. DuGAul then spat in Blakks face and drilld him with a kick to the midsection before delivering a facebuster to the new man. DuGAul then followed up by bouncing off of the ropes and drilling Blakk in the head with a knee drop. DuGaul then Grabbed Blakk by the hair and pounded him with a headbutt, dropping the new comer to the mat before locking on a camel clutch. Remarkably Blakkk got to his feet and managed to run backwardws into the corner with DuGAul still on his back, smashing him into the turnbuckle. Blakkk then whipped DuGaul into the ropes, but on the return DuGaul flew at Blakk and nailed the conquistadore bulldog, before pinning the new comer with one foot. DuGaul moves on to face Ceesalo in round 2.
In A match that was sure to be a classic, Debo met up with Nick Hart. Debo started immediately with a rake to the eyes, before folllowing up with a low blow. Debo then kciked Hart back into the corner, before drilling Hart with a series of vicious elbows , a a choke hold, with his big size 17 boot. Debo then grabbed Hart by the hair and pulled him in for the powerbomb. Hart, managed to slam his head into Debo's groin, staggering the big man, and then launched him back with a drop kick. debo hit the top rope and fell to the outside, and Hart followed him into no mans land. Debo ws in his element and quickly smashed Hart with a chair, before choking him with a television cable. Debo then grabbed the steel ring steps and went to crush Hart, but Hart luckily rolled out of the way, Debo lunged for Hart, but HArt scooted to the side and drilled Debo with a kick to the midsection, before Grabbing him in a russian leg sweep, and slamming Debo's Head into the Ring Steps. Hart then threw Debo back into the ring and locked on the sharpshooter, getting the tap out and the move into the finals.
This Match Started with DuGAul and Ceesalo locking up, before DuGAul Broke the hold and ducked behind the ref for a break. DuGAul then stepped up to lock up once again, but when ceesalo went for the lock, DuGaul need him the abdomen and began to hammer him in the head, until finally Ceesalo hit the canvas. DuGaul hen used his Foot to choke Ceesalo until finally the ref moved in for a break. Ceesalo managed to get to his feet, but not for long, as Dugaul quickly regained the upper hand with a series of knife-edge chops to the chest of Ceesalo. DuGAul then whipped Ceesalo into the ropes and went for a back body drop, but Ceesalo pulled up short and kicked DuGAul in the face, laying him flat on his ass. Ceesalo then bounced back into the ropes and came down with a hard leg drop to DuGaul before picking him up in a suplex, and driving him down through the mat. Dugaul, using his experience, rolled to the outside to avoid being pinned, but was caught by Ceesalo and whipped into the steel crowd barrier. Ceesalo then attempted to slam DuGaul into it, but DuGaul moved at the last possible instant and Ceesalo smashed into it. DuGAul then picked up the ring bell, and smashed Ceesalo in the head with it, sending him sprawling to the ground. DuGAul then rolled Ceesalo back into the ring before goiing for the pinfall and getting a 2 count. DuGAul decided to end the match and locked on a figure four, but remarkabley Ceesalo managed to roll over, reversing the leverage and applying the pressure to DuGaul. DuGaul reachedd out for the ropes and the ref ordered a break, but ceesalo quickly moved in and delt DuGAul a devestating running power bomb. From their he climbed the ropes and nailed the Ceesalo-down to move into the world Champioship finals against Nick Hart.