Thursday Night Thump-Fest
T.N.T.F Results

Hey Yo, heres the situation, my parents went away on a weeks vacation, and, they left the keys to the brand new porsche; would they mind, HMMMM, Well of course not..... Actually the situation unfolds like this. The Clark Challenged Made men to a match tonight with a mystery partner, so that match will happen tonight also tha made men are going to defend the tag titles against Scarface and kadafi, How Ya like me Now????????
$MADE MEN$ vs. Kadafi and Scarface
This Match got underway right off with Scarface locking up with the champ, Merchandi$e. Scarface overpowered Merch and pushed him back into the corner before delivering a couple knife edge chops, from there Scarface then drove a couple of big knees into the chest of Merchandise before picking him up and dropping him throat first over the top rope. Scarface then tagged in Kadafi who came flying off the top rope with a lethal elbow before getting a two count broken up by Mi$ta. The ref then treied to push Mi$ta back into his corner, and while he had his Back turned, Scarface and Kadafi double teamed Di$e until finally the ref focused back on the match and puched Scarface to the outside. Kadafi used this opportunity to grab Merchandise and set him up for lethal DDT, but Merchandi$e dug down deep and at the last minute grabbed Kadafi's tights and whipped him over his back.
Merchandi$e then struggled and made the tag to Mi$ta who came in ripping it up. Mi$ta immediately grabbed Kadafi and drilled him with a spinning heel kick to the skull before picking him up and dealing a wicked pump handle slam. Mi$ta then ran to the corner and drop kicked Scarface to the apron before resuming the assault on Kadafi. He never got the opportunity to resume the assault though, as Kadaf quickly delivered a low blow to Mi$ta before whipping out the brass knuckles and belting Mi$ta across the head with them. Kadafi then executed a lethal pedigree and went for the cover, but the ref was pulled to the ourtside by the BG's who had come down to ringside. The Body Guards then got in the ring and began to pound on Kadafi until Scarface came in and began to hammer on the BG's. This only lasted a minuite because before long Merchandise got in the ring and began to pound on Scarface, but this didn't last long either as Ceesalo and Castro ran down to the ring and cleared house all around.
Nick Hart is seen limpin to his dressing room the reporter rushes up and asks Hart how the leg is coming along annd Hart tells him to go to hell.
The Clark and ???? vs. The Made Men
This Match began with Mi$ta and Merchandi$e in the ring and the B.G.'s on the outside. The Clark then came down to ringside and said that his mystery partner was already in the ring . At that point Merchandi$e turned to Mi$ta and smiled and walked over to the other side of the ring to where the Clark was standing. Di$e then Grabbed the Clark's Hand and raised it in the air, right before he drilled him the teeth with a headbutt. From theri Di$e and Mi$ta began to beat on the Clark's ass and Merchandi$e grabbbed a mic and told the Clark he was a sucka for thinking he would turn on his made man Mi$ta, From their the BG's came into the ring and began to beat down the Clark as well until Debo came flying down to the ring. Debo got into the ring and immediately delivered a big boot to one of the BG's sending him over the top rope. He then grabbed the other BG and literally threw him over the top rope into the steel guardrail before Grabbing Merchandi4e for the Chokeslam. This didn't happen though as Mi$ta grabbed a steel chair and smashed Debo in the back with it. Debo fell to one knee with his hand still around Di$e's throat and Mi$ta was about to smash him again but Nick Hart who had been hobbling his broken ass down to the ring got him and drilled Mi$ta with his Crutch. Debo then got back to his feet and planted Merchandi$e with a massive chokeslam before turning around and facing Nick Hart. Amazingly Debo didn't attack Hart, rather he went to the time keepers taable grabbed the BSWF Title and told the almost unconcious Merchandi$e that if he wanted his title back he knew where to find him. What the hell is going on. Next week their will be a Pay Per View on Wednesday, get your matched ready people!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday Night Thumfest will Be updated by Friday Morning at the lastest. I live In Central time Zone so work it out to where you live.
BSWF President
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