poetx - 03/28/99 07:18:45
My URL:http://www.inergy.com/poetx
My Email:poetx@webtv.net

Six months later I finally sign your guestbook, trip^. Always a pleasure to play Ridic along with you. Good luck in Tourney. (And you always scare me when you whisper to me from another room, lol.) Have fun. - pxy

cyburgh - 01/28/99 18:06:10
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ScoreboardBlvd/cyburgh/index.html
My Email:cyburgh@nauticom.net

Hi Tripper^ ACK! I just realized I hadn't signed you guestbook. But I am mending my ways. All I can say is thanks - uda bomb! So no grrrrrring at me anymore. See you in the touney - go LOL's! P.S. Did that make you say ARGH?

John1122 - 12/26/98 08:15:56
My Email:john_1122@hotmail.com

Nice page Tripper^, you should be proud. You have done an excellent job. Gonna try TC again, maybe the meltdown is over.

PrinceCharming - 12/05/98 05:01:35
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/sunsetblvd/princecharming/index.html
My Email:myprincecharming@hotmail.com

Hey Tripper: Great page you've got going here, keep up the nice HTML work. Thanks for having stopped by my page earlier and taking the time to sign my guestbook as well. Thanks for being a great monitor in rid tourney games too. See ya in..where else...ri ! :o)

Alexis_again - 11/29/98 20:40:18
My URL:/Nashville/Opry/4779
My Email:alexisb@bellsouth.net

I got here from Wendybirds site---I also play Rid--but not nearly as often as I used to. I love the updates on ice skating---did you submit that skating cat???? See ya in Rid.

lauree31 - 11/29/98 06:49:54

Hey! I have never visited your webpage, and now I'm glad I tripped on in! I love figure skating! Well, not enough to make a page on it, but I LOVE watching it on t.v... My hubby even took me to a Cambell soups sponsered show 2 years ago for my birthday! K ep up the good work, and I cant wait for you to teach me all you know! xoxo

Steve - 11/28/98 18:27:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/garage/9895
My Email:therealdealdude@yahoo.com

Great web site. I clicked through the Geo Guide on my own home page. I have links to books and computer software at my site.

jacquec - 11/12/98 00:35:49
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GardenWay/jacquec
My Email:jacq01@webtv.net

Hiya Tripper, Thanks for signing my guest book go back and see it sometime still adding alot of stuff there. good job on your page. and hey your a great ridic. player... see ya in there i'm sure. :o)

wattle (sue) - 11/10/98 04:36:13
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SunsetBlvd/wattle/
My Email:shaula@seltek.com.au

Good looking page, love the skating gifs. Keep up the good work. I have now changed my halloween images to the xmas ones.

Top Dog - 11/02/98 06:25:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Picture/9505/
My Email:Treay@webtv.net

Hey there I was surf'in on throu' and stopped to sign your book! Keep up the good work here! Take some time and visit my site or my girlfriends site! Thanx have a good day! buh bye... >>>~~> Treay

My Top Dog's Picture

Picture of Me!

My Girlfriend's Website!

Bill - 10/27/98 04:26:10
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GasolineAlley/bamadude4/index.html
My Email:BAMA_DUDE@webtv.net

Hey Trip you dood(lol) a good job dude. Was surfing around and found ya here cool huh?? see ya in ridic

chita - 10/25/98 12:38:04
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ROFLWay/chita
My Email:chita77@aol.com

Tripper Just thought I would visit your site again. Thanks so much for the help with my pages. Your site is great! See you in ridic my friend! **hugs** Chita

Jetfxer - 10/13/98 21:07:36
My Email:jetfxer@webtv.net

Hey TRIPPPPERRRR, seems like everytime I go into Ridic your always leaving and vise-versa, dont ya like me, lol, aww well, cool site ( sorry bad pun hehe). Love ice just wish there were guys with sticks on it( does that sound funny?). Hey is that your pic at the bottom, nice skatin, well see ya in ridic, got to Jet. Steve

Ralph Kokensparger - 10/11/98 06:43:54
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ROFLWay/ralphabet/
My Email:ralphabet@webtv.net

Hiya Trip! Nice page. Although I am not a figure skating fan, I can certainly appreciate the work you've put into this page. Good job. C ya in Ridic! Love and hugs.

crayola^ - 10/06/98 02:19:47

Hey Tripper! Nice work you've done here. Hope your birthday is filled with all the happiness one person can stand. See you in Rid!

Alan Ladd - 10/01/98 04:47:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Makeup/4063/
My Email:SonofJorEl

Hmmmmm now I know who must have submitted the skating cat on Ridic hehe. Great page you have here Tripper or is it The Player Formerly Known as KY? lol Be seeing you in Djibouti.

Dina - 09/15/98 13:19:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/7061/
My Email:njdina@yahoo.com

hey Tripper! Just Visiting all my Liz^ard friends!! whoohoo! GO GREEN!

Midwatch - 09/11/98 21:50:53
My Email:Midwatch@webtv.net

Well Tripper nice sight I can see you worked really hard on it. I'm not all that versed with html nice graphics you did a good job. Midwatch

Copay - 09/03/98 21:54:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/televisioncity/set/9747
My Email:copeynyc@geocities.com

You're too hard on yourself. I like your page-especially the cute skating graphics! See ya in TVTrivia. -Copey

Kristina Taylor aka..BabyKristina, Taylor74, KRISTINA23 - 08/27/98 08:47:15
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~KRISTINA23/KRISTINA23
My Email:BabyKristina@webtv.net

Hey Ky!!!
It seems weird writing to you without saying WTG KY!!!!!!...I'm in Ridic so much I'm beginning to think I live there. Might as well move on in, I'm there enough.

Nice page that you've made. I'm sure yo always do great on Ice Skating trivia questions, don't ya'? I'll be back to see if you have anything new up. Check out my page, and be sure to sign my GuestBook..I'm just starting to build my page, and learning all that HTML, so my page looks crappy. It' getting there though.

Anyways, Take Care, and see you in Ridic.

Jay - 08/26/98 22:46:27
My Email:jay_bn@webtv.net

Hey Ky :) Just heard about your page and came to check it out. It looks great, congrats! See you later

bigman - 08/23/98 00:12:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bench/2433/
My Email:bigman526@webtv.net

hey there kyt... was just surfing and stumbled here.. actually, i stumbled trying to land a triple salcow(did i spell that right?)... hehe.. great page.. i am a big sports fan.. and enjoy watching all of the big skating events.. good work on your page.. s e ya ;-)

Tibault - 08/10/98 21:37:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/stargate/6584/home.html
My Email:Tibault@webtv.net

Cool page.Although I'm not into ice skating (girlfriend loves it) that Surya Bonaly is one hot piece of @$$!!

Alexis - 08/09/98 04:09:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/4779

I LOVE figure skating!!!! This is an awesome page--keep up the great work!!! Stop by my site for a visit if you get the chance.

Jessica - 07/18/98 02:24:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Underground/2868
My Email:Zanalee@webtv.net

nice website, KY! Haven't seen you around ridiculist much anymore, but i am sure that's my fault. I don't get in there much anymore! Anyways, see you later!

walrose/beanierose - 07/08/98 19:36:24
My URL:http://duh
My Email:u know

Hey Ky! Where's the tribute to Midori Ito? She was the best of the best! *slap* :-)

Hockeysarge - 07/08/98 03:03:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/bluffs/1960
My Email:hockeysarge@webtv.net

Hey Tripper, nice job! I like ice skating too! mostly when they have sticks in their hands though and are chasing a puck! haha ...Your page looks good! see ya in ridic ..

Cocoa and G - 07/06/98 02:20:38
My URL:http://www.users.cts.com/crash/g/gap

Nice Page... Needs a big fat link to my page :) hehehe... See ya in #tvtriv :)

jiffy - 06/26/98 17:12:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/3962
My Email:jiffy88@webtv.net

Great page ky! Hope to see you soon. in ridic maybe.

froggy007 - 06/16/98 23:07:22
My Email:froggy007@webtv.net

Love ice skating Tripper...Have so many on videos! The web is interrupting my life...Love your page and hope to see you soon. Love ya, ribbit.

vi711 - 06/12/98 17:00:59
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/sunsetblvd/vi711
My Email:vi711@webtv.net

Just stopped by...your page is great. I Love figure skating also.

LilyRo - 06/01/98 17:32:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/6934
My Email:LilyR0@webtv.net

Hi Ky, I just wanted to let you know that I stopped in to see your page and I think it looks great. See ya soon in ridic. : )

Misspris - 05/30/98 05:03:40
My URL:http://www.talkcity.com
My Email:Misspris@webtv.net

Hey KY, very impressive. I admire anyone who has the patience with all this HTML stuff. Its like learning to speak another language. Keep up the good work, see you in ridic!!!

Bobbie - 05/29/98 07:03:04
My Email:niac@webtv.net

I wanted to be an ice skater when I was a kid, but I am not disciplined enough. Your page looks great. Now I have peer pressure and need to get out of ridic and make my own. This is the first guestbook i've ever signed so hope i'm doing it right. See you in ridic my friend. niac=Bobbie

butterbby - 05/28/98 08:23:01
My Email:butterbby@webtv.net

Hey Ky! I like ice skating too. Watching it only though. I'm not too graceful! Love it when the ice skating category comes up in Ridic. Thanks for the invite to your website!

VideoHound - 05/28/98 03:11:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/6459
My Email:videohound@geocities.com

Great looking pair of skates you have there!! visit me sometime and check out my guestbook. Let me know what you think. Sorry, no great pair of anything on my page, but a nice one at that. The Hound got your link from some guy named Eric's Homepage

Sandy - 05/27/98 12:45:09
My Email:driftwood2@webtv.net

Great site!! Cool graphics!! Michelle and Elvis rule!!!!

mousie23 - 05/25/98 22:58:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/strand/4794
My Email:mousie23@webtv.net

Cool page!!! Gotta love that skating!!!!!

Geoff - 05/24/98 23:25:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/bench/1397

Great site! I dont really care for ice skating, but Tara Lipinski is kinda hot. Thanks a bunch for helping me with my site. See ya in ridic.

Eric - 05/20/98 04:03:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/eric23shomepage
My Email:eric_23@mailcity.com

I like the new stuff if i run into any cool stuff about skating i will email them to ya. See you in ridic. eric aka fila23

Tony - 05/17/98 21:54:56

Banner surf'n and caught your wave. Visit me @ http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/9166 :)

Rathead1 - 05/15/98 20:19:12
My Email:rathead1@webtv.net

hey sexy, keep working on it, i know you can do it, your so smart, see ya soon sweety.

Todd Wireman - 05/10/98 03:05:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/toddiscool

Very Cool Page, check mine out.

Chita (Sue) - 04/30/98 11:45:57
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ROFLWay/chita
My Email:Chita77@aol.com

Hi Ky! Great webpage! I didn't know you were a figure skating fan! Do you also figure skate? It is a wonderful sport. I can roller, and in-line skate, but I cannot even stand up on ice skates!! Again, great webpage! Chita

Jeremy - 04/24/98 03:28:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/jeremywayne
My Email:germy@webtv.net

i think your page is great... im glad that you told me about it. you are a nice person and i enjoy talking to you in talkcity, keep up the good work on your page.

Eunice - 04/22/98 15:02:33
My Email:elk15@webtv.net

Hi, its me your real ridic/chatt'n/friend! You did an excellent job on your webpages! Someday maybe i can make a page, and let you wander through mine. See ya in cyberspace for now!...keep up the good job!    BCNU  L8R! elk

eric - 04/16/98 05:27:43
My Email:Eric_23@mailcity.com

Hey there sorry i left so soon but i have to work tomorrow. Well I really dont know what to say except uh I dont know. Talk to ya later bye.

dewayne collins - 03/19/98 19:31:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bleachers/7871
My Email:dewaynecollins@hotmail.com

it is coming together very nice and i hope to seeit very soon and will be back in the near future to visit again. your site is really grea and i will be back to visit again hope to see you soon and will be seeing you soon in the future. dewayne

Greg T. - 03/14/98 22:40:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bleachers/7870
My Email:gregsworldtwo@geocities.com

I am your neighbor at 7870, please visit me sometime. I will be back to see some skating stuff.

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