Algoma District Women's Hockey Organization
Wildcats Travelling Teams
The Algoma District Women's Hockey Organization (ADWHO) was formed in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario in September 1997 to meet the needs of those players in the Algoma District interested in playing female competitive hockey. ADWHO is sanctioned by the Ontario Women's Hockey Association (OWHA) and is a member in good standing.
In only two years of operation, the ADWHO Wildcats have enjoyed success at the OWHA Provincial Championships, winning a silver medal at the Midget B level in 1998 and increasing the medal total in 1999 with a silver at the Midget A level and a gold at the Senior B level.
ADWHO's annual tournament, known as the Ice Breaker Cup, is now affiliated with Ontario Winter Carnival Bon Soo, one of Canada's largest winter carnivals. The 3rd Annual Ice Breaker Cup held on January 28-30, 2000, was a huge success, attracting 23 teams from Canada and the U.S. The Ice Breaker Cup 2000 went down in local hockey history as the largest women's hockey tournament ever held in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT TREVOR WOODS AT (705) 945-1503.
Visit the team pages to find out more about our tournament successes.