Lance M. Taylor's University of Alabama Webpage
Lance M. Taylor's
University of Alabama
 I am a huge Alabama fan!!
Dedicated to my Dad!
My Favorite all time Alabama moments:
1. The Goal Line Stand-Alabama 14 Penn State 7 (1979)
2. Bear Bryant breaking Amos Alonzo Staggs record
3. Van Tiffin's "The Kick"
4. Kickin Miami's butt in 1992
5. Major Ogilvie; he was my hero!

This is my boy right here!!!!
But...This is,  "The Man"!!!!!!
     As you can see fom this page, I love the University of Alabama. However I do have a "Real Life"! I am married and I teach U.S. History. I also coach football where I am an Offensive Coordinator. I am presently attending the State University of West Georgia as a graduate student.
Updated 3/23/98
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