2. Integrity.
3. Perseverance.
4. Self Control.
5. Indomitable Spirit.
6. Victory.
I shall observe the Instructors and Seniors.
I shall never misuse Tae Kwon Do.
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.
I shall build a more peaceful world.
2. Respect Parents and Elders.
3. Honor Friendship.
4. Never retreat in battle.
5. In Fighting, choose with sense and Honor.
White = Innocence
Yellow = Earth
Green = Growth
Blue = Heaven
Red = Danger
Black =Maturity
2. Mame
3. Injure
4. Evade
5. Spirit
The highest level is to use spirit to solve problems
The next level is to evade.
To injure, mame or kill are the three lowest levels.