Chang Hun TKD Crystal Street Demo 99

Sabum Tom VanLuvender Jr

Mr. VanLuvender Demonstrates a fire break on six inch's of concrete blocks

Chang Hun Tae Kwon Do Demonstrated Breaking , Sparring , Forms,

Weapons , and Self-Defense , at The Crystal Street Block party

We were There to sell tickets to help raise money so Children

with Diabetes could go to camp.

And also to send a message out to support JDF and Help find a


We will be supporting this cause again next year at the block party also.

Below are some photo's of the club, we hope you enjoy them !

Lee VanLuvender Demonstrates a Kama form

Lee is a second degree Black Belt at Chang Hun

Kristin Demonstrates a cross over side kick break at the Demo

Some of the club members Demonstate a Jump front kick

Sabum VanLuvender Demonstrate's full contact double

sticks against the bong ( six foot staff )

Sabum VanLuvender Talks to the crowd about the Club and what the

Martial Arts can do for our lives.

For Classes or information on Tae Kwon Do please call (570) 223-2467