Ivicerrie League
Home Page

This page will lead you to information regarding the Ivicerrie League season. Your feedback on its content is welcome. Just click on your area of current interest (and be sure to read the news):

News (updated as of 02Apr2002)
Account Balance per team(updated as of 30Mar2002)
Keepers for 2002 season (updated as of 02Apr2002)
Rules for 2002(updated as of 22Feb2002)
Winter meeting notes (updated as of 22Feb2002 - removed lingering paragraphs from last year's winter meeting)

Weekly Stats are available at http://www.allstarstats.com/baseball/1672

Hotline = 847-438-1515 x21 ... 24 hours per day (receptionist during working hours will not recognize the name "Paul Adler" -- please request extension 21 only).


Draft Day is Friday, 05Apr2002!! If you haven't yet noticed, all of the News Items are sorted such that the most recent are at the top.

The Commissioner has made a clerical error that throws the keeper list a wee bit out of whack. I mistakenly left a retained player unbolded and that player was snatched up by the new franchise. I cannot allow my clerical error to justify such an injustice. I have therefore invited our new franchise owner to replace his selection of that player (Juan Uribe) by selecting another player that had previously been available to him. To limit the extent of this "damage", I've also limited Jay (the new franchise owner) to pick the replacement player by end-of-day Tuesday, 02Apr2002.

Cucci Coup was late with keeper declarations, late enough that they weren't called in until after I had posted the keepers for Thunder Road to choose from. After Thunder Road indicated his keepers, I went back and listened to the Cucci Coup message. Players not taken by Thunder Road and that had been declared by Cucci as keepers are now shown as being kept on the Cucci Coup roster.

Check e-mail for draft site directions.

Hotline number has changed. 847-438-1515 ext 21 is now in service. As is stated above, please request only extension 21 and not the name "Paul Adler" which will otherwise be meaningless to any receptionist. Also, during non-working hours, there is a bit of a delay when connecting to extension 21, but the delay is the same for everybody.

Although there is financial information shown on the AllStarStats web site, the official financial information is kept on this page.

Account Balance for 2002
These charges and receipts do not include the Stat Service rates!
Team Charges Receipts WNs Used (2 max)
Bad Habits    
Cucci Coup    
Gold Glovers    
Keller's Heroes    
Miam Ivice    
Mike's Myths    
Paul Bears    
Thunder Road    

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