Your First Game

1. Hit anything that is carrying the ball.

Note: Generally you will be more popular if that happens to be a person on the other team, also the referee is not a good target.

2. When you get the ball run like heck!

Note: Your teammates would prefer that to be in the direction of your opponents goal area.

Second Game

Mastering the pass.

1. Pass the ball backwards to a teammate that is in a better position to advance the ball.

Note: Screaming and throwing the ball up in the air to avoid being hit is considered "bad form".

2. Follow slightly behind your teammate who is carrying the ball so that you can receive a pass.

Note: If you drop the ball continuously, you will become what they call a "prop forward".

Third Game

Mastering the kick.

1. Kick the ball forward over your opponents head and catch it on the run.

Note: If you are a forward then dropping the ball near your foot and kicking anyone in the vicinity is good enough.

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