April 21-Reds sold INF Harry Bright to Yankees

May 4-Phillies purchased OF Jim Lemon from Minnesota

May 4-Braves purchased OF Bubba Morton from Detroit

May 4-Pirates sold P Tom Sturdivant to Detroit

May 5-Reds traded P Jim Brosnan to White Sox for P Dom Zanni

May 8-Braves traded OF Lou Johnson and cash to Detroit for SS Chico
Fernandez, and then traded Fernandez to Mets for P Larry Foss

May 15-Reds signed INF Daryl Spencer, released by Dodgers

May 16-Reds sold OF Wally Post to Minnesota

May 22-Mets released 1B Gil Hodges so he could sign as manager of the

May 23-Mets purchased OF Jim Piersall from Washington

May 23-Pirates traded OF Bob Skinner to Reds for OF Jerry Lynch

May 24-Phillies released INF Billy Klaus

May 26-Reds released C Hank Foiles, who was signed by Angels

June 15-Cardinals traded C-1B Gene Oliver and P Bob Sadowski to Braves
for P Lou Burdette

June 24-Cardinals traded INF Leo Burke to Cubs for P Barney Schultz

June 24-Dodgers sold INF Don Zimmer to Senators

June 28-Phillies sold OF Jim Lemon to White Sox

July 1- Reds sold 2B Don Blasingame to Senators

July 1-Mets traded INF Charlie Neal and C Sammy Taylor to Reds for C
Jesse Gonder and cash

July 19-Reds released INF Daryl Spencer

July 27-Mets released OF Jim Piersall

July 29-Cardinals traded OF-1B Leon (Duke) Carmel to Mets for OF Jacke
Davis and cash

July 30-Dodgers traded P Ed Roebuck to Senators for 2B Marv Breeding