Opinion Page
Welcome to the page where my opinions are freely expressed. For now, I am keeping this page extremely simple. I will post my thoughts periodically, listed according to date. Once I get a chance, I will post my story as well. As always, responses to this page are not only welcome, but requested, to: JSasanuma@vote4gop.org.
Make sure to check out my other thoughts at Themestream.
- Looking Forward to '99 (1/1/99)
- Thoughts on the Impeachment (1/4/99)
- Thoughts on Movies and Television (1/24/99)
- Book Review of The Testament (3/20/99)
- Thoughts on War Against Yugoslavia (3/28/99)
- More Recent Thoughts (3/31/99)
- Thoughts on Grades (3/31/99)
- Thoughts on Macs (6/30/99) [I accidentally deleted this column; don't think I did it on purpose...]
- Why I hate CD's and my solution to the problem (7/14/99)
- Why I should love CD's - a response (7/19/99)
- "Bergen", my own version of Thoreau's "Walden" (9/13/99-11/12/99) [I know book titles should be underlined, but you won't see the line anyway, so I decided to put it between quotes]
- Discourse on Cheating (9/30/99) [I wrote this column originally for the school newspaper, the Herald]
- Discourse on the First Amendment (11/16/99) [I wrote this column originally for the school newspaper, the Herald]
- Discourse on TV Ethics (11/16/99) [I wrote this column originally for the school newspaper, the Herald]
- Discourse on Politics: Deconstructing President Clinton (12/11/99) [I wrote this column originally for the school newspaper, the Herald]
- Discourse on Sportsmanship (3/15/00) [I wrote this column originally for the school newspaper, the Herald]
- Discourse on Poverty (5/5/00) [I wrote this column originally for the school newspaper, the Herald
- Just South of the Border (5/5/00) [This special report was for the school newspaper, the Herald
- Discourse on BC Reflection (6/13/00) [I wrote this column originally for the school newspaper, the Herald]
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