Hey, come on, you can't visit my page without signing the guestbook (it's just not nice).

Jen Giovinazzo - 04/08/00 01:53:06
My Email:Bip1024@Aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: JJjohn LeClair
Gender: Female
Age: 17
How often do you visit my page: once a month
Favorite NHL Team: FLYERS


Tara - 10/07/99 14:18:55
Favorite NHL Player: #88 Eric Lindros!!!
Gender: female
Age: 19
How often do you visit my page: every now and then
Favorite NHL Team: Eric's Flyers!!!

Cool site! #88 is so CUTE!!! He's a very great guy, very nice with his fans, and he's an OUTSTANDING HOCKEY PLAYER!!!

David Herr - 01/25/99 22:25:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/FlyersGuru
My Email:dh6078@ship.edu
Favorite NHL Player: Lindros
Gender: male
Age: 19
How often do you visit my page: first time
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers

very nice page im impressed come see my Flyers page and sign the book and answer the polls if you have time thanks buddy Go Flyers! Dave

David Herr - 01/25/99 05:43:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit
My Email:dh6078@ship.edu
Favorite NHL Player: Eric Lindros
Gender: Male
Age: 19
How often do you visit my page: first time
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers

Have very nice page good to see plenty of good Flyers pages around like this one. Hey could ya come see my Flyers site and tell me what you think http://www.angelfire.com/cgi-bin/bedit and dont forget to answer the polls Thanks :) Dave

Kelly - 12/26/98 05:42:32
My Email:SiLVerZ160
Favorite NHL Player: John LeClair/Dainius Zubrus/John Vanbiesbrouck
Gender: Female
Age: 15
How often do you visit my page: 1st time here
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers

This webpage is really cool, keep up the good work

Jules (again...) - 10/24/98 04:31:56
My Email:ZubiesGirl_9@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL Player: Zubrus and Lindros
Gender: female
Age: 25
How often do you visit my page: well, recently everyday
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers!!!!!!!

Hello everyone : ) I seem to be having problems getting to the pictures on this site, I really really want to see them!! Anyway when i click on a picture it tells me that there is no such URL?!? If anyone else is having this same problem or can help me out in anyway, PLEASE Email me!! Lets Go Flyers!!!!!!!

Jules - 10/23/98 05:49:02
My Email:ZubiesGirl_9@yahoo.com
Favorite NHL Player: Zubrus, Lindros, Leclair
Gender: female
Age: 25
How often do you visit my page: every couple of days
Favorite NHL Team: FLYERS

The Flyers are by far the best!!! Like the rest of you I am hoping and praying that they win the cup this season!! This is a cool site, keep adding more pics!! See ya at the game everyone : )

JAMES LANGLOIS - 10/10/98 01:20:45
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/bleacherst/flyers10/index.html
My Email:jml@flyersfan.com
Favorite NHL Player: John Leclair
Gender: male
Age: 38
How often do you visit my page: first time, will visit again
Favorite NHL Team: Philadelphia Flyers

Great web page will visit often.

neem - 09/02/98 04:29:27
My Email:zubov4mvp
Favorite NHL Player: zubov
Gender: male
Age: 18
How often do you visit my page: 1st time
Favorite NHL Team: stars

looks good lis

Chelsea - 08/20/98 14:41:58
My Email:Flyers1988@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: Lindros,LeClair,Gratton,Zubrus,Daigle,Sillinger,Hextall,Podein,Forbes,McGillis,Brind'Amour,and Desjardins
Gender: Female
Age: 16
How often do you visit my page: A few times
Favorite NHL Team: Philadelphia FLYERS

Really great page. I like the pics. Always remember Flyers RULE and Flyers in 99!!!!

Christina LeClair - 07/17/98 15:48:14
My Email:LeClair105@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: JOHN LeCLAIR!!!!!!
Gender: Female
How often do you visit my page: Pretty often

Your page is awesome! It looks like you've done a lot of hard work on it.

kristen - 06/19/98 03:00:40
My Email:scout1016@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: dainius zubrus
Gender: girl
Age: 14
How often do you visit my page: 2x a week
Favorite NHL Team: flyers!!!!!!!*******

the flyers rule! flyers are going to go all the way next year. zubrus is hottest guys around. i absoluteky love him.

Angela Carlino - 06/18/98 17:59:23
My URL:http://ilove55.aol.com
My Email:ilove55
Favorite NHL Player: Chris Gratton
Gender: Female
Age: 15
How often do you visit my page: first time
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers

Chris Gratton is the hottest NHL player ever!!!

Carla - 06/16/98 19:38:15
My Email:Cardi98
Favorite NHL Player: Chris Gratton,and Eric Lindros
Gender: Female
Age: 14
How often do you visit my page: often

I love the flyers they are the best .....i hope that they will win the stanley cup next year and that i can meet them all in person again.......i think that lindors,gratton,desjardins are the HOTTS players on the team ....well thats all i have to say

jen peters - 05/08/98 21:53:19
My Email:i'm at lynn's house
Favorite NHL Player: pavel bure
Gender: female
Age: 15
How often do you visit my page: first time
Favorite NHL Team: flyers!!!!!!!

hi lisa. i like your web page. too bad i can't visit it more often.

Becky - 04/25/98 16:57:23
My Email:IceBabe88@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: Eric Lindros
Gender: Fem
Age: 29
How often do you visit my page: occasionally
Favorite NHL Team: FLYERS

Loved the Lindros pics.

Jackie LeClair - 04/14/98 18:19:58
My Email:LeClair105@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: JOHN LeCLAIR
Gender: Female
Age: 13
How often do you visit my page: a lot
Favorite NHL Team: FLYERS ! Who else is there ?

Your page is cool ! Get more pics of Silly & Johnny and everyone else ! Other than that , the page is great !!

Jason Volpe - 04/13/98 01:59:20
My Email:jayvolpe@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL Player: Lindros
Gender: Male
Age: 24
How often do you visit my page: first time
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers of course

I have been stuck in Pittsburgh for about four years going to school. I had to get a DSS to watch the game. I am so sick about hearing about the Pens. When Eric go taken out it was hell. Hopefully he'll come back on Monday and get his revenge. Nice t see so many great pages. It brings me right to the Corestates. I can't wait for the playoffs. I think we will do fine. See ya nice site

JB - 04/12/98 16:32:17
My URL:http://home.att.net/~j.boyle/jb.html
My Email:king_jb77@hotmail.com
Favorite NHL Player: Lindros/LeClair
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Favorite NHL Team: FLYERS

Nice Pictures, cool spinning logo.

Lisa Gratton - 04/12/98 01:27:53
My Email:Tucker000@juno.com
Favorite NHL Player: Chris Gratton(my cuz)and Dainius Zubrus
Gender: Female
Age: 14
How often do you visit my page: often
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers

Great Page!

Maureen - 04/05/98 02:35:10
My Email:DaisyJN44
Favorite NHL Player: Janne Niinimaa
Gender: Female
How often do you visit my page: I just found it...guarentee I will be back
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers

Your page is so awesome!!!!! The pics are great! The info is great! Keep up the good work!

Andi Harner - 04/04/98 22:58:28
My Email:Andeehar@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: Zubie
Gender: female
Age: 15
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers

Hi, Lisa. I finally got to it! (4/4) Bye, Andi

Summer - 03/29/98 17:16:20
My Email:PUDGE@cyberenet.net
Favorite NHL Player: Dainius Zubie
Gender: female
Age: 14
How often do you visit my page: every day
Favorite NHL Team: Philadelphia Flyers

I luv this page and I luv Dainius Zubrus!!! He is the man and I think he is the best NHL player, next to Lindy! I luv the Flyers and even though they aren't winning they are still the BEST!!!

Summer - 03/29/98 17:13:42
My Email:PUDGE@cyberenet.net
Favorite NHL Player: Dainius Zubie
Gender: female
Age: 14
How often do you visit my page: every day
Favorite NHL Team: Philadelphia Flyers

I luv this page and I luv Dainius Zubrus!!! He is the man and I think he is the best NHL player, next to Lindy! I luv the Flyers and even though they aren't winning they are still the BEST!!!

Jackie LeClair - 03/22/98 22:35:06
My URL:http://members.aol.com/LeClair105/index.html
My Email:LeClair105@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: JOHN LeCLAIR
Gender: Female
Age: 13
How often do you visit my page: Everyday
Favorite NHL Team: FLYERS !!!! 10 + 88 = 98 stanley cup champs

Hi ! Do you think you can send me a FLYERS logo to put on my Flyers page ? Your page is soooooooo awesome !! Keep up the good work !! Can I put your page as a link ???Just E-Mail me !

Dana - 03/20/98 01:15:03
Favorite NHL Player: Dainius Zubrus
Gender: Female
Age: 14
How often do you visit my page: First time
Favorite NHL Team: don't have one

That picture of Chris Gratton in a towel is UGLY!!!!!!! Gratton is butt-ugly! Can you get sued for this???? The pic, I mean. One more thing. Try to get some pictures of Zubie's face, not the back of his head. Your page was OK.

Yvinna - 03/14/98 04:06:14
Favorite NHL Player: Dainius Zubrus
Gender: Female
Age: 16
How often do you visit my page: Just this once
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers/Rangers

Good page, very good. I just come from Russia and went to a Flyer game and met Dainius Zubrus. Nice young man. Keep up good work.

Amanda - 03/14/98 01:47:54
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Phoebe2094/SRPC.html
My Email:Zubruslvr@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: Dainius Zubrus
Gender: Female
Age: 13
How often do you visit my page: About once a week
Favorite NHL Team: Flyers

This is a great site! Keep up the great work! Look for my new page at http://members.aol.com/ZubieGirl9/zubieheaven.html ~Amanda

heather - 03/10/98 01:22:12
Favorite NHL Player: adam graves
Gender: female
Age: 17
Favorite NHL Team: flyers

First of all. I found this page to be a TOTAL GROSS EXPLOITATION of the flyers!! Some of the pictures make them look like freaking playgirls!!! They are hockey players...i don't care how hot they are.. I would rather like to see more stats and more IMPOR ANT info than their bodies.. that doesn't get you to the STanley Cup.. Also your suggestion of sending niinimaa and zubrus to the phantoms is one of the most ridiculous ideas I've ever heard.!! don't blame them for this. they are 19 and 22 for gosh sakes! What do you expect them to do? Send thme to the phantoms.. oh great ideas. that would really help their confidence level.. more make them feel dejected and down on themselves.. if there's anyone to blame, blame the veterans or the people who can't get he power play ignited!!!!!

Nina - 03/04/98 04:26:39
My Email:sorry, i am guest
Favorite NHL Player: Jan
Gender: female
Age: 22
How often do you visit my page: only now
Favorite NHL Team: the FLYERS!

This is decent page but I have to say my Jan is not underachiever he is wonderful! You do not know him.

i don't have to answer that - 03/04/98 01:14:37
My Email:if i told u, i'd hafta kill u
Favorite NHL Player: zubie maybe
Gender: female
Age: 15
How often do you visit my page: not often enough in ur opinion lisa
Favorite NHL Team: silly question...............................................................FLYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if u can't guess who this is lisa, then u must be blind!!!

NO - 03/03/98 04:02:48
Favorite NHL Player: NO
Gender: NO
Age: 9999999999999999999
How often do you visit my page: NEVER
Favorite NHL Team: NO


Sarah - 03/03/98 01:25:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/id/snowgirl
My Email:johnsosj@caa.mrs.umn.edu
Favorite NHL Player: Trent Klatt
Gender: female
Age: 20
How often do you visit my page: first time
Favorite NHL Team: Philadelphia Flyers

Cool page! I liked all the pictures. Keep up the good work!

Bert - 03/02/98 15:25:46


Ted Burns - 03/02/98 14:56:02
Favorite NHL Player: Bobby Orr
Gender: male
Age: 39
How often do you visit my page: first time
Favorite NHL Team: Boston Bruins


Lauren - 03/01/98 21:02:45
Favorite NHL Player: Zubie
Gender: Female
Age: 10
How often do you visit my page: every week
Favorite NHL Team: flyers

I like the site, especially the pooh story.

Jackie - 02/28/98 14:52:37
My Email:LeClair105
Favorite NHL Player: JOHNNY LECLAIR !
Gender: FEMALE
Age: 13
How often do you visit my page: EVERYDAY
Favorite NHL Team: FLYERS !!! 10 + 88 = 98 STANLEY CUP CHAMPS


Michelle - 02/26/98 00:48:34
My Email:EL88lover
Favorite NHL Player: Eric Lindros/Shjon Podein
Gender: Female
Age: 14
How often do you visit my page: Just Started
Favorite NHL Team: FLYERS


Justin - 02/25/98 04:15:27
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~phantomfury/OfficialPage.htm
My Email:JusWAS@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: No one single player...
Gender: Male
Age: 17
How often do you visit my page: This is like the 3rd time
Favorite NHL Team: !!!!THE FLYERS!!!!

Keep up the great work on the site Lisa! My web page right now is next to nothing... but who knows what I'll do with that??? Any suggestions? :-)

mike - 02/25/98 00:21:18
My URL:http://members.aol.com/flyerscp98/index.com
My Email:flyerscp98@aol.com
Favorite NHL Player: John LeClair
Gender: male
Age: 17
How often do you visit my page: first time
Favorite NHL Team: Philadelphia Flyers

I love the flyers and all who see the guestbook please visit my flyers page, the address is at the top, lets go flyers!

Carlos Castaneda - 02/25/98 00:13:15
My URL:http://www.ace15.com
My Email:castanec@worldlynx.net
Favorite NHL Player: Podein
Gender: Hmmm, MALE!!!
Age: 18 and proud
How often do you visit my page: Uh, just once so far.
Favorite NHL Team: Here's a tough one. The Flyers

Nice work on the web site for just starting out... believe me, it looks a lot better than some other startup sites. The pix have good quality to them... do Jo and Laur know about this site?

Sarah - 02/25/98 00:00:42
My Email:Flyersgrrl@juno.com
Favorite NHL Player: Dainius Zubrus
Gender: female
Age: 15
How often do you visit my page: This is my 1st visit, Lisa Lisa.
Favorite NHL Team: The Pliladelphia Flyers!!! Is there anyone else!!!!??!!

Hi Lisa Lisa!!! Your page is cool!!! I don't really know what else to say. Oh yeah: EVERBODY BEWARE OF THE PENGUIN!!!!! ***DoObIe DoObIe DoO!*** Peace, Luv, & The Flyers SaRaH

Sarah - 02/24/98 23:55:32
My Email:Flyersgrrl@juno.com
Favorite NHL Player: Dainius Zubrus
Gender: female
Age: 15
How often do you visit my page: This is my 1st visit, Lisa Lisa.
Favorite NHL Team: The Pliladelphia Flyers!!! Is there anyone else!!!!??!!

Hi Lisa Lisa!!! Your page is cool!!! I don't really know what else to say. Oh yeah: EVERBODY BEWARE OF THE PENGUIN!!!!! ***DoObIe DoObIe DoO!*** Peace, Luv, & The Flyers SaRaH

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