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(Let me start off by saying in advance that some of the links listed here are out of date. I'm aware of this, and I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to do this, but by July 1st, I'm hoping for vast improvements to this site. Keep your fingers crossed...)
As a public service, I give you a list of links to browse, to your heart's content, in the hopes that you'll get an understanding of just what it is I enjoy.
The Kansas City Wizards Home Page. Soccer is my first love, sports-wise, and this is the closest thing I have to a hometown team.
And, after five years, the side now has a supporters site! Welcome to The Mystics Homepage!
For most other sports, I generally recommend ESPNET Sportszone, the single greatest sports site ever created.
Well, it's safe to say that my "baby", WrestleWeb, is more or less a memory now. So, to keep you up to date on the latest in the world of professional wrestling, here's some suggestions:
WrestleWorld, one of the oldest wrestling web sites on-line. It's only fair that I promote them, after all, since they did house my page for so long. :)
1Wrestling.com, which is perhaps *the* authority on professional wrestling.
Pro Wrestling Torch, edited by Wade Keller. He's one of the most famous insiders in the industry, and can always be relied on for the scoops.
The Wrestling Observer, edited by Dave Meltzer, assisted by Bryan Alvarez, whose Figure Four Newsletter is also online. Meltzer is the original among the insiders, and probably the most respected wrestling journalist in the business.
Wrestleline, a collection of web pages which give the most complete overview of the wrestling world.
Rantsylvania, home of The Rant Crew, headed by Rec.Sport.Pro-Wrestling's funniest man, Scott Keith, aka "The Netcop". (Note: I am now the columnist for WCW Saturday Night...soon, my work will be archived at this site as well.)
The ICW Homepage. This is the headquarters of Impact Championship Wrestling (formerly Midwest Renegade Wrestling), an organization started by many of my friends in the wrestling business. It's been around about two years now and is rapidly gaining in popularity. Check it out.
If you're interested in something kinda humorous that's wrestling-related, you might want to try reading the RSPWF Archives. Admittedly, I only was part of this for a short while - Don Becker created it and Pete Barlow did most of the work on it - but I was, briefly a writer for this parody of the world of professional wrestling. If I had any idea that one of the real people behind these characters would have gone on to stalk Debbie Gibson, I not only would have been stunned, I would have also had a lot more material to work with. :)
Let this serve as a warning right off the top...some of the stories, in fact most of them, are probably a lot steamier than what most of you are accustomed to. If you don't think you can handle them, consider this fair warning to skip to another section.
Maryanne Mohanraj's page. To call this simply a stories page would not do it justice. She's not only one of the best writers I've ever read, but one of the most thought-provoking as well.
My stories page. My somewhat vain attempt to become a writer in the spirit of the above. :) I do hope you'll enjoy them anyway. :)
(I'll be searching through other sites to try to add more links in the coming weeks. So to speak. ;) )
The Dilbert Zone. A salute to my favorite all-time comic strip, which sadly can sometimes be a reflection of my *own* job. :)
Email me here.