Welcome to my new webpage written by me - Ben Hukins which aims tocover topics of which I am particually interested in. You will find below a list of links to the section you want to visit be it running, cycling, television or whatever else. So sit back and enjoy!!

Here is a list of what you can find on this site:

Included here are results from around the country, news on the current goings on and links to relevant running sites.
The latest results, news, event previews and links to many of the professional teams websites (not always in english!).
General Interest
This section contains a wide range of topics including a link to a fabulous project on Cochlear Implants which is essential reading!


This section is dedicated to running as I am an avid runner. The results service covers races relevant to me and major competitions which I will try to keep uptodate. Now and again it will feature my opinions on particular aspects of the sport and hopefully a good up to date constant news service. If you want a link to your running site e-mail me with its details. Enjoy!!


This section is dedicated to the world of professional road-racing. This section will supply results of the major stage and one-day races keeping you up to track on the World Cup and UCI World rankings. Also featured here will be news and hopefully previews and route maps of forthcoming events. It is hoped to have special emphasis on the British cyclists an Prutour.

And Now For Something Completely Different!

Below is a link to "Cochlear Implants - A Vision For The Future" which was written by: Ben Hukins, Alessia Toni, Paul Kushner, Massimiliano Cecchini, Sanela Hodzic and Emanuel Cattenei.

Cochlear Implants

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