The Premiere Backyard Wrestling Federation On Long Island
July 13, 2001
EDGEcrusher will get his rematch for the LIEW Championship...PLUS...What will Syn have to say to Primetime the man who sprained his ankle and almost snapped it...PLUS...Will Eliminator and his friend get compensation???
JUNE 23, 2001
EDGEcrusher and Primetime walked out to applause and welcomed everybody to LIEW Ground-Zero, the second show under the new ownership. They then started to demean and demoralize all that Syn has done and went on to say that this show will be the worst EVER since the two dont have matches lined up...Syn came out and told the two that they would each be fighting Eliminator in singles matches and then would have to fight each other...EDGEcrusher asked about his rematch against NYneOneOne for the LIEW Championship which was denied by Syn...
EDGEcrusher had the first match which was made an "I Quit" Match...EDGEcrusher dominated the match but was eventually overpowered by Eliminator and tied to a fence...Eliminator called for someone out of the audience and some guy ran out and proceded to take a kendo stick to EDGEcrusher's chest but he did not give...Eliminator ripped open EDGEcrusher's shirt and the final three shots to his bare flesh gave Eliminator the win by submission...The two left EDGEcrusher there barely breathing...
Primetime was next against Eliminator and was dominating his match until that same unnamed man ran out and proceded to tie Primetime now to the fence...EDGEcrusher ran out and took down the two with thunderous chair shots and Primetime was able to hit the Touchdown Spike on Eliminator on a chair! EDGEcrusher still wanted more and then tied Eliminator to the fence and gave out his own version of kendo shots that only EDGEcrusher can give...
Post went out to find NYneOneOne to get an interview but he still had not arrived...In addition Eliminator and his friend also left
Syn came out and announced that hed be the ref for the next match...EDGEcrusher came out and then did Primetime...The two started fighting but complained of injuries 10 seconds into the match and told Syn they couldnt fight each other so the two started walking to the back...Syn stopped them and demanded they fight each other or they would be fired...EDGEcrusher countered by saying that they didnt even have contracts and come wrestle any time they wanted because they are the two biggest STARS in LIEW...Syn said fine and let them leave...But the two quickly turned around and said that they could just beat Syn up instead of waiting in the back...So they did...Soon Primetime had Syn locked in an anklelock and EDGecrusher was demanding a title shot for Mercury Rising...Syn said no...Primetime then appeared to snap Syn's ankle and he granted EDGEcrusher a shot...Primetime switched ankles and then EDGEcrusher asked for Primetime's shot at the belt after his...Syn soon agreed and the two left him behind after delivering a 2.5 Double Elbow Drop to Syn's back...
The LIEW Championship Match has been made into a Two Out Of Three Falls Match all by either pinfall or submission...Destroyer won the first fall with a wicked powerbomb...Destroyer went to the top of a shed to gain another pinfall by jumping down on NYneOneOne, the LIEW Champion, but was met with NYneOneOne's grip and subsequently chokeslammed to the ground, tying up the match...After another five minutes of wrestling NYneOneOne hit the Stroke, just at that time Syn, the commentator of this match was attacked from behind and NYneOneOne was nailed with a chair across the face by EDGEcrusher...EDGEcrusher pulled Destroyer on top of NYneOneOne but he kicked out at TWO!!! Syn and EDGEcrusher fought to the back and NYneOneOne was able to get the win after another Stroke onto the chair EDGEcrusher left behind...
Juggalo (1981-2001)
June 23, 2001
What will Destroyer have to say after finding out he has to face his brother for the LIEW Championship and will NYneOneOne and Syn show the same disrepect for him as they showed for EDGEcrusher and Primetime... And what will Primetime and EDGEcrusher do to get "proper" payback!!!
May 28, 2001
It was one for the ages...EDGEcrusher opened the show and soon found out that the new owner was a man by the name of Syn and scheduled EDGEcrusher to face a mystery opponent...Syn demanded the belt be handed over but EDGEcrusher wouldnt have that and delivered a "stunning" EDGEcracker...Backstage Syn delivered the bad news to his mystery man but guaranteed victory and a way to keep the belt once he wins it...Destroyer picked up a win against Blood for the Number One Contender Status for the LIEW Championship ensuring to rematch for EDGEcrusher IF he loses...Primetime comes out and speaks his mind on the new LIEW and himself having no match...JUGGALO'S PLANE HAS CRASHED!!!...Primetime finds EDGEcrusher in the back and is met with caution, the two discuss their nameless opponents and make a plan to help each other out in their matches and shake hands...Syn gets word of these plans and takes out EDGEcrusher with a wrench to the back of the head, Primetime sees this but is attacked from behind by NYNEONEONE!!!...Syn defeats Primetime in a quick match with a little bit of help from NYneOneOne, Syn's Partner In Crime...EDGEcrusher hobbles to the ring and is ready for his match against whom everybody would assume would be NYneOneOne, and sure enough it is...EDGEcrusher was about to pick up the win when Syn distracted the ref allowing NYneOneOne to sneak up from behind and hit a Stroke and win the LIEW Championship!!! The two preceded to beat on EDGEcrusher until he actually passed out!!! Primetime ran out but it was too late and was once again outnumbered...Syn and NYneOneOne left the two friends piled on top of each other and reminded us all that everybody needs worthy backup in LIEW and that LIEW is theres to run!!!
2/18/01 Hello again! I am in the greatest spirits today, I have sold, yes SOLD, LIEW to a promoter who wants to remain nameless, for now. I didnt sell all of it, I still hold about 25% of the company. He already told me that he plans to have HIS first event be Memorial Day Mayhem III. I really am excited about this all. The only thing we need now are wrestlers. So I will let you know as soon as we find some. Thanks for stopping by.
2/9/01 Hey, this is Post here, im pretty much the only remaining member of what was LIEW, even though I am only a reporter. But not only am I the only member, that is official! EDGEcrusher said that I can have the company to do whatever I want with it. So its mine... All mine ::evil laugh:: jk. But however I do know of someone who would be interested in running LIEW. Like i said, im only a reporter, not a promoter. So once I talk to him, I'll get back to you, thanks for stopping by.