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A page that tries to define what a sport really is, and sorry figure skaters you are out of luck, better off playing with some other non sport people like bowlers. If this page offends you, well too bad, you should be playing a real sport!

THIS is a sport!!!

This is NOT a sport!!!


To be a sport, ALL of the following criteria must be satisfied:

  • There must be a projectile of some sort being used, whose object is to be moved from one place to another (addendum to this rule: the projectile can not be called a "birdie" or anything else that wussy sounding);
  • The participant must sweat *as a result of* using said projectile (a.k.a. "the golf eliminator");
  • There must be an objective, numerical score involved: This means that a 'judge' can not determine who wins;
  • The activity must require strength and coordination;

    Definition Time

      The following are all sports

    • Football
    • Baseball
    • Hockey
    • Tennis
    • Basketball
    • Racquetball
    • Volleyball
    • Shot Put
    • Water Polo
      The following are NOT sports

    • Golf
    • Swimming
    • Bowling
    • Gymnastics
    • Horseback Riding
    • Track/Running
    • Wrestling
    • Rollerblading
    • Skiing

    To those of you who are gonna cry like a baby and claim "but you have to be in better shape to swin than to play baseball" I reply, "yes, so you exceed baseball standards for rule #4, but you still don't satisfy all four rules. I recognize swimming may be difficult, and may require lots of skill, but that alone does not make a sport. If it did, then things like weaving would qualify too."

    Holy Cow!!! We'll Miss you Harry.


    Links for those that like SPORTS


    Feel free drop a line, or ask a question by emailing the owner of the "What is a sport" page.

    Page last updated August 12, 1998.

    This page has enlightened people, who all should now know the difference between a sport, and a non-sport.

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