Helmet Pictures #3

Even more select photos from the history of football

The Giants 'NY' helmet. Only used in 1975.

A couple Oiler helmet variations.

Another really interesting facemask. Basically just a strip of clear plastic.

The much debated and rarely photographed yellow Steeler helmet with steel mark circle. Used only 1 season until they decided that the circle was to hard to see and changed to the black shell.

The Redskins feather back helmet (vs Cowboys). For a color shot of this helmet, visit pic page #5.

A great shot of Sonny and the Redskins spear helmet.

Several shots of the New York Yankees of the AAFL. All of them show Spec Sanders with the ball from 1948.

The 49ers vs the Steelers sometime in the late 50's (58 or 59).

The left two shots are of the Broncos brown cartoon bronco used in 1962. It proved to hard to see against the orange background so they went to the white version. Stripe was white and facemask gray. The right pic is of the white version used from 63-66. White stripe and gray facemask again. I know, I know, the pictures are not the greatest quality.

The Dallas Texans from the AFL. They moved to Kansas City to become the Chiefs.

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