Saturn is coming to the ring accompanied by Kidman, Saturn is in the ring to face Goldberg. Goldberg starts the match strong
just like he always does, but Kidman aids Saturn out of a submition move. Saturn is now pulling some cheap moves, like the
stairs to the arms and lots of girly slaps. Saturn is really weakining the arm of Goldberg, this is the longest match I have ever
seen Goldberg in. Goldberg gets some momentum and pulls off a nice spear but Kidman distracks the ref giving Saturn the
chance to do a low blow. The flock minus Raven run to the ring but Goldberg fights them off. Goldberg spears Kidman and
then Saturn applies the Rings of Saturn but somehow Goldberg is able to pick him up and convert it into a JackHammer wow,
Goldberg wins, that's 74 wins.
Winner, Goldberg
Chavo comes down with Eddie to face Ultimo Dragon. Eddie is discusted by Chavo because he sucks!!!!! Ultimo Dragon
does a handstand on the top rope and turns it into a drop kick. Chavo regains the advantage in the match and keeps it until he
is put in two different submission moves. Eddie is furious that Chavo won't capitilize and slaps him twice!!! Chavo attemptes a
tornado DDT but is turned around by the Dragon into a Dragon Sleeper.
Winner, Ultimo Dragon
Chris Benoit is on his way to the ring to face Booker T. for the World Championship Wrestling T.V. Championship, however,
there is one stipulation, this match will have no time limit due to the fact that the last two times these wrestlers faced each other
for the belt, the time ran out. Benoit and Booker T. are standing face to face in the middle of the ring. So far, after about three
minutes, nothing really has happened, Benoit and Booker T. both exchanged offensive moves but nothing big, at one point,
Benoit was pounding the crap out of Booker T. but Booker T. retaliates. After 8 minutes, nothing major except for a Flying
HeadBut by Benoit of the top rope, but still can't make a pin for a count of three. After thirteen minutes, Booker T. scisor kicks
the referee out, while the referee is out, Benoit applies the Crossface Crippler and Booker T. counts out, the referee does not
see and when Benoit lifts him up, Booker T. greets Benoit with a Hog Side Kick for the win.
Winner, and still WCW T.V. Champion, Booker T.
British Bulldog comes out with Jim Neidhart to face Hennig with Rude. Rude and Neidhart are to be handcuffed to the together
outside the ring but rude refuses at first. The ref is the skiny faggot that looks like a stick with facial hair!!! Bulldog gains the
advantage early on and keeps for a length of time because of Neidhart keeping Rude from interfering. Bulldog had Hennig in
the Sharpshooter but Rude gets the key from the officer which turned out to be Vincent. The 3 men attack Neidhart and
Bulldog with a nightstick and Bret Hart didn't even come out to help them.
Winner, Curt Hennig w/Rick Rude
Prince Iaukea comes out to face Chris Jericho for the Cruiserweight Title. Heenan calls Iaukea, Prince Wackyjacky!!! The
Prince starts off with the advantage with several crapy ass moves but is stopped by getting tripped into the bottom rope and
losing his air. Jericho puts him in a Liontamer after a skrew up by Iaukea, but he manages to get to the ropes. Both men are on
the top rope and Jericho is thrown to the ground and the Prince is thrown into the top rope. The Prince does his Northern Light
Suplex but Jericho grabs the ropes and puts the Prince into the Liontamer. After the match Jericho takes the Prince's mahimahi
Winner, and still Cruiserweight Champion, Chris Jericho
Buff Bagwell while wearing a cast makes his way to the ring accompanied by partner Scott Steiner come to the ring to face the
Total Package Lex Lugar and Rick Steiner. Buff gets the mike and announces the cancellation of the match because of his arm
condition. J.J. Dylan comes to the ring with a doctor and the doctor clears Buff to wrestle, Bagwell gets pissed and crabs Dylan
with his "hurt" hand. The match begins. Buff and Scott have had lots of tags when Rick Steiner and Lex Lugar only had one tag,
but when Lex Lugar got in and racked Buff, it was all over.
Winners, Lex Lugar and Rick Steiner
Extra match is La Parka comes out to face former Tag Team partner Psycosis. These guys suck because I don't know any of
their moves' names. Back and forth action and Psycosis nails La Parka with a Corkskew off the top rope. Once La Parka
keeps picking up Psycosis an it ends up back firing because La Parka gets caught in the ropes and Psycosis does his Guillitine
Legdrop off the top rope.
Winner, Psychosis
Big Sexy the Giant Killer Kevin Nash comes to the ring alone to be a part of the first ever bat match. Hollywood Hogan is now
walking to the ring alone to participate in the first ever bat match. And now, team number two, walking to the ring togethor,
Rowdi Roddi Piper and the Giant. Piper, right when the match starts, climbs the pole and goes for the bat but is unsuccessful.
Giant and Piper are now double teaming Hogan but for somereason, Nash comes for the save. There are a few belt whipping
exchanges, followed by a spanking by the Giant on Hogan. Nash had Piper in the corner but Nash let him go and told Piper to
tag the Giant, and after the crowd starts yelling as loud as they could, he tags. Giant starts off big against Nash but Nash
eventually fights back. Now, there is a 4 man brawl and Giant and Piper are able to grab the bat, but Hogan gets it and throws
it away. The Diciple comes to the ring with another bat which is used to hit Nash courtesy of Hogan followed by a hit on Piper
for the win. After the match, Hogan tells Nash to JackKnife the Giant, but when he went for the JackKnife, Hogan hit him from
Winners, Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hulk Hogan
DDP comes out (still without the belt) to face Raven. Sick Boy comes in before the match and grabs DDP so that Raven can
hit DDP with the belt but ends up getting hit. Raven gets the advantage early on but it is countered by a swinging neck breaker.
DDP climbs the stage coach at back near the entrance and does a double ax handle. DDP continues his relentless pursuit by
hitting Raven with garbage cans, wood wheels and a table. Raven changes the momentum and puts DDP on a table and drops
the elbow on him. Raven hits him with a cow bell and then garbage can. Raven brings DDP back to the ring and hits him with a
KITCHEN SINK and continues to choke him with a rope. DDP drops Raven with a drop toe hold into the SINK. Kidman
tries to hit DDP with a frog splash but hits Raven. After Raven regains the lead, Hammer tries to hit DDP buts hits Raven. Just
as you think DDP is about to win because DDP hits everybody with the Stop Sign, a mystery man comes from behind and hits
DDP with the sign. The man may be the new member of Raven's Flock, Horace Boulder.
Winner, Raven and new US Champion
That guy who says "Lets get ready to rumble", is in the ring to introduce the WCW Spring Stampede Main Event, between
Macho Man Randy Savage who is accompanied by Miss Elizabeth and Sting, the current WCW Heavyweight Champion. By
the way, this match is a no disqualification matchup, which means anything goes. While the guy was introducing Sting, and while
Sting's music way playing, Sting was attacked by Savage and the match begins with Sting on the ground. Sting eventually fights
back and hurts the injured arm of Savage. Savage walks away but Sting strows him onto a carrage wheel. The match is now
taking place just outside the ring and Sting misses a Stinger Splash and lands on the guarding rails. Both are fighting in the ring
and nothing is happening even though they have been in the ring for a few minutes. Now something happens, Savage piledrives
Sting but Sting gets up but is hit from behind with a chair delivered by Miss Elizabeth, Sting then Stinger Splashes Elizabeth.
Savage is on the top rope but is thrown off by Hogan, Sting then delivers the Scopian Death Drop but before the pin, Nash
comes in the ring and JackKnifes Sting and then puts Savage on top of Sting, One, Two, Three, we have a new champion.
Winner, and new WCW Heavyweight Champion, Macho Man Randy Savage
© 1997