Chris Benoit vs. Fit Finley for the T.V. Championship
Finley used his power to get an edge over Benoit early
in the match,useing simple holds such as headlocks to
wear him down.Benoit used alot of speed and quick
menuvering and thinking to try to avoid the power of
Finley,but was not afraid of going toe to toe.There
were alot of near falls in this match,and the match
went to the outside and stayed there for a while.A
chair was used on Benoit,almost knocking him out cold.
Benoit even got the Crippler Crossface on once,but had
to release when Finley got ahold of the ropes.Booker T
came out,and distracted Benoit,who got kicked in the
back of the head by Finley.But in the end,it was Finley
who won the match after a tombstone piledriver.
They then went on to a Jericho interview,breifly thank god,then went to a match.
Lex Luger vs. Brian Adams w/Vincent
Lex Luger was very upset at Adams for takeing out Rick
Steiner on Nitro.Luger was viciouse during this match,
useing his overwhelming power to beat Adams into
oblivion.Vincint and Adams size/weight advantege gave
him a small edge over Luger for a while.At the end
though,it was rackem time for Mr.Adams,who gave up.
Saturn announced his quiting of the Flock,and that HE would be Goldberg's only opponent that night.
Battle Royal
As expected,there was many high flying menuvers used by
all the wrestlers.This was the order of elimination:
1.Even Courageuose
2.Johny Swinger
3.Super Calo
5.El Grio
6.Marty Jannety
7.Villanto 4
9.Even Courageouse
10.El Dandy
11.Chavo Geurrero
13.Billy Kidmen
14.Jeuventude Geurrera (Who eliminated himself)
Winner:Cyclope,who turned out to be Dean Malenko.
Dean Malenko vs. Chris Jericho
Right after the battle royal,Jericho came out and
started to get his ass whooped by Malenko,who had
Geurrera in his corner.In the end,Malenko hooked on the
Texas Clover Leaf,and Jericho played taps.
DDP vs. Raven w/SWAT team
Just like every body thought,this match was an all out
brawl with both men trying to almost kill each other.
They used trash cans and a veriety of other things to
beat each other with.A VCR was even used,and both men
did not seem to care what happend to their selves.The
Flock came down and almost got in the cage,but Van
Hammer prevented that.It also turned out that the SWAT
team was Flock members also,who were Diamond Cutterd.At
the end,the ring was scatterd with bodies,and a "Self
High Five" was heared as DDP won with the Diamond
Cutter.There was alot of sneak attacking after the
match,and Mortis also appeared to take the Flock out.
Mortis also took off his mask,and turned out to be the
verdor interfearing so often.
Then there was a search for McMahon even more.Also a talk to Saturn about his match with Goldberg.
Ultimo Dragon vs. Eddy Geurerro w/Chavo
This match was a complete see saw match-up between
equally matched compeditors.Eddy didn't cheat to much,
suprise suprise,but eventually Eddy won with the Frog
Splash.Chavo then got pissed,and started to beat on the
Dragon.Eddy tried pulling him off,then Chavo beat the
crap out of Eddy.
Saturn vs. Goldberg for the U.S. Championship
What do you think?Goldberg beat on Saturn,who just
bearly got the edge about twice,but then it was jack
hammer time for the planet with big ass rings.
Eric Bichoff vs. Vince McMahon
Eric wins by no show.Or at least he thinks so,the evil
ego-tistical baster.
Bret Hart vs. Macho Man Randy Savage with Piper as
guest ref
Another back and forth match up,it had many near falls.
Both men also used alot of the ring to gain an
advantege,such as the steps,posts,apron and ropes.Macho
even got an elbow drop on,but that did not finish Bret.
Miss Elizibeth came out while Savage was in the sharp
shooter which prompted Savage to reverse it.Hart hit
Piper with something,that Mach grabed,and then got
taken out by Hogan.This match lasted a very long time,
but in the end Hart won due to Piper asuming Mach hit
him with the object.
The Outsiders w/Dusty Rhodes vs. Giant and Sting for
the World Tag Team Championship
Yes,Scott Hall did come out,and also spoke.He took an
NWO/WCW survay.And I am suprised to say that the NWO
won by far in this survay.Sting and the Giant worked
very well as a tag team,but had less expeirience as a
tag team then the outsiders.But then again,the
Outsiders have not worked as a team since 97 I think.So
now,evenly matched,untill Hall hit Nash with a belt.
Scott Hall then huged the Giant,makeing the Outsiders