Raw is War Results, Aug. 17, 1998

The show started off with footage of Steve Austin trying to break into McMahon's office backstage. Austin is then shown coming down the side of the arena in a hearse. Austin then calls McMahon out. First Patterson came out, followed by Brisco, Slaughter, then finally McMahon. He said that he will stuff the Undertaker into the hearse later in the night. Austin then says that even though Vince says he already has one foot in the grave, Austin will take it out and shove it up McMahon's...you know.

Match 1: Triple Threat Match----Ken Shamrock/Owen Hart/Dan Severn
-When the match first started, Dan Severn just watched Hart and Shamrock wrestle. Severn finally got involved and put a choke hold on Shamrock. Owen was kicking Shamrock as well, until Blackman finally came in for the save.
Winner: No Contest

Match 2: Brawl For All---Bart Gunn vs. The Godfather
Bart Gunn got the KO on The Godfather during the final round to advance to the finals

Match 3: Gangrel vs. Brian Christopher
Gangrel gets the victory by pinfall.

Footage backstage was shown of DX and the Nation in a huge brawl.

Match 4: The DOA vs. Scorpio and Faarooq
DOA got the victory by switching teammates. DX and the Nation made their way to ringside, and while the ref was not looking, DOA made the switch to score the pinfall.

Match 5: The Nation vs. DX in a Street Fight
DX was a mess after the match. This was basically a brawl, with all members using trash cans and lids. Double J made his way to ringside to attack X-Pac. He was stopped after awhile by the NAO. The match ended with DX laying bloody in the ring, with the Rock's theme music being played.

Tiger Ali Singh offers a man $500 to lick his servants toes, which have not been washed in a while, even after footage was shown of the servant exercising and sweating the whole day. The man from the audience did it, earning his $500.

Sable/Jackie arm wrestling match
No real winner was declared, but Jackie ended up throwing Sable on the mat and throwing the table on top of her. Jackie then broke the Bikini contest trophy over Sable's back. The Oddities came down to help Sable.

Match 6: Brawl for all---Bradshaw vs. Darren "Puke" Drozdov
Bradshaw was declared the winner after the third round and will advance to the finals against Bart Gunn.

Al Snow Segment
He talks to the head(who was drunk on the floor) and how 16 years went down the drain. He talked about how he should have stayed in ECW. He demanded the keys from Head, saying that friends don't let heads drive drunk.

Sable Segment
Sable comes back out and tells Jackie to get her ass back out to the ring. Jackie refused the offer, but said that a mix tag match will happen at Summerslam.

Match 7: Kaientai vs. Val Venis
It was stated that if Venis defeated all four members of Kaientai individually, that he would get 5 minutes alone with Yamaguchi San. Val defeated the first three, but lost to Taka. Taka scored the pinfall via Michinoku Driver.

Undertaker/Austin/Kane Segment
As the Undertaker waited in the ring, Austin made his way down. Austin told the Undertaker to turn around, and when he did, it was Kane dressed up as the Undertaker. Kane and Austin fought to the back of the arena, and Austin was able to throw Kane into the hearse, which was there since the beginning of the show. Austin tried to drive away, but couldn't get the door opened. The reason why? The Undertaker was in the driver's seat and had the door locked. The show ended with Undertaker driving off with the hearse(which contained Kane), and Austin was left in the arena.

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