The first match of the night will be the 3 man tag team war between The Rock, D-Lo and Marc Henry vs Ken Shamrock, Steve Blackman, and Faarooq. Shamrock and D-Lo start off the match and Shamrock was kicking ass. He then tags Faarooq and he beats the crap out of D-Lo. This match went on for 21 minutes and it was extriemly boring until all 6 men were in the ring and Faarooq cleared the ring, Blackman and Shamrock were beating up the Nation outside the ring and Faarooq gave the Rock his new finishing move that resembles a reverse powerbomb for the win. After the match, Faarooq thanks Steve Blackman and Ken Shamrock for the match.
Winners, Ken Shamrock, Steve Blackman & Faarooq

Steve Austin unexpectidly makes his way to the ring and drags the timekeeper into the ring and tells him that if he screwes him tonight just like he did Blackman the week before, he will kick his ass, and also, he will kick McMahon's ass if McMahon screws him.

The cage drops from the ceiling and Hunter Hurst Helmsley and Chyna come out. Owen comes out to fight HHH and Slaughter comes to the ring to make sure the Chyna gets into the cage, she won't enter the cage so Slaughter pushes her into it. Once Chyna is in the cage, Owen attacks HHH and the match begins. Owen dominates for a few minutes but one little mistake might cost Owen the match as HHH starts his attack. On the "cage cam", we see Chyna pull a saw from her boot but she then drops it while trying to escape from the cage that is standing just above and to the side of the ring. Chyna finally bends the bars and Road Dog lowers the cage but while this is going on, Owen has HHH in the SharpShooter but he releases it. Owen the gives Hunter the Petigree but there is no ref in the ring. X-Pac enters the ring and hits Owen with a Fire Extinguisher and the ref enters the ring and counts to three. Owen then gets the mike and says that enough is enough and this bullshit will end.
Winner, and still European Champion, Hunter Hurst Helmsley

Jim Cornette enters the ring and announces that the Rock'n Roll Express will be eliminated tonight and then introduces the New Midnight Express. The Rock'n Roll Express follow and we have a match. Rock'n Roll Express are completely controlling this match and the New Midnight Express start to argue with each other and Bob pushes Bart but this leads to nothing. Cornette then climbs the ropes and challenges the referee, the referee then untucks his shirt and starts to throw punches so Cornette runs away. Then the Rock'n Roll Express had the win but Cornette comes into the ring and is then attacked but then Bart does a roll up for the win.
Winners, and still NWA Tag Team Champions, The New Midnight Express

It is now time for the Evening Gown match starring Luna with the Artist vs Sable. They are both hesitant but strip arms off each other. Luna then striped Sable of her lower dress and then when Mero came out he distracted Sable and Luna came up behind Sable and striped her to her bra and panties. She has very big BREASTS!!!!! Sable then attacks Luna and gives her a Sablebomb (powerbomb) and then strips Luna to her bra and panties. They then go under the ring and Sables exits with the bra and panties of Luna.
Winner, Luna

Vince MacMahon then comes out and says that he is a fellow North Carolinian. He also says that he will not be held responsable for anything that happens in the final match and that he will not be responsable if Stone Cold screws Stone Cold (Bret screwed Bret)

The NewAge Outlaws come out and say that Dean Smith will coach them for the night but it is actually a blow-up doll and they will face LOD 2000. Mr.Ass goes up to Sunny and says SUCK IT!!! Animal to start off against Mr.Ass. Hawk then comes in and start to dominate the match with several different moves. LOD conitnues to dominate as Animal continues where Hawk left off. LOD is ready to finish it withe Doomsday Device but Mr.Ass stops it by taking out Animal's knee. NAO continue to work on the knee of Animal by removing to protecting padding from the knee. Animal finally makes a move and tags in Hawk. Hawk is held by Ass and is going to be hit by the belt but moves and Ass is hit and Roadog is hit by a German Suplex for the 1, 2, 3. After the match the ref says that Hawk's shoulders were down and that NAO still have the titles. After the match the ref gets a Doomsday Device and is carried off in a stretcher.
Winners, and still WWF Tag Team Champions, the New Age Outlaws

JJ sings with Sahwer Brown. It is sooooo obvious that JJ is lip singing!!!!!! While singing JJ and the lead singer start the JJ walk and the lead singer screws up so bad hee looks like a robot!!!! When he is done he says how he is so great and Steve Blackman jumps him from behind and puts on his submission move but Tennesse Lee hits him with a guitar and JJ slaps on the Figure Four Leg Lock.

It is now time for the first ever Inferno Match starring Kane with Paul Bearor and the Undertaker. The King has his Hotdogs and Marshmellows ready to be cooked to perfection as the ring will be surrounded by fire. Kane and Paul Bearor come to the ring first, followed by the Undertaker. Back and forth action between the two superstars. Every time there is a good move the cheap two foot flames become big. Evey time the Undertaker gains an advantage Kane sits up after every good move. From the top rope Undertaker delivers a superplex but Kane remains unharmed. The Undertaker throws Kane over the rope and he can not get back in the ring. Out of nowhere Vader attacks Kane from behind and Undertaker jumps over the top rope and takes them both out. He then hits Kane twice with a chair which Paul Bearor tried to hit him with. The undertaker then follows Bearor to the site where JJ performed and hit him with a drum. Back at the ring Kane is still hurt and is then thrown into the fire and his arm catches on fire.
Winner, The Undertaker

It is now time for the main event for the World Wrestling Federation Title starring the champion Stone Cold Steve Austin and Dude Love, however, will it be Dude Love because Vince McMahon said that something catastrophic will happen tonight and nothing has happened that would fall under that category. Dude Love himself is now making his way to the ring. His music stops but Austin's doesn't come on until about 20 seconds later, out comes the champion Stone Cold Steve Austin with the belt. As Austin is handing the referee the belt, Dude Love attacks from behind and the match begins. I don't know if this is a no disqualification match because after Stone Cold kicked the crap out of Dude Love, Dude ran away to the stage where Jarrett preformed earlier and Stone Cold threw him off the stage, about 7 feet onto the ground that was cement. They are back in the ring and Dude Love is beating up Austin. Dude Love has Austin is a sleeper lock and Austin seems to be fading away when Vince McMahon and his two friends that were stunned last week, come to the ring. Vince McMahon immediately looks at the timekeeper, conspiracy?? Austin now has Dude Love's leg wrapped around the steel ring post and is throwing his leg back and forth across this post. They are now outside the ring and Stone Cold has Dude Love ready for a piledriver, Austin says to McMahon that this is for him but Dude Love immediately flips Austin over him and onto the hard floor. Austin is down and McMahon walks up to Austin and starts to bad mouth him so Austin gets up and chases McMahon to the entrance way but Dude Love attacks from behind. Dude Love has Austin in the same move that he had Blackman in last week and McMahon was yelling at the timekeeper to ring the bell but he makes the right choice and doesn't. Dude Love applies some Shin Music but that does nothing. Austin attempts a Stunner but is unsuccessful, but the mannable claw by Dude Love does not fail, Austin is out and McMahon tries to wake up the referee but he can't. McMahon then tries to hit Austin with a chair but Austin ends up hitting him. Austin is hyped up and throws Dude Love back in the ring and gives him the Stunner, the referee is out so Austin counts his pinfall and he gets the win. After the match, Vince is still out and the announcer announces that the new winner of this match via disqualification is Dude Love, however Dude Love will not get the Heavyweight Belt.
Winner, by Disqualification, Dude Love note: Dude Love does not get the Heavyweight Belt

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