Oh Canada


Passions and Ponderings

This page last March 4, 2000

Figure Skating English/French Dictionary by Paul-Henri Fortin

Maps of the World - Not sure where some of these new skating countries are located? Political maps are usually easiest to read.


My Favourite

...If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same...

Rudyard Kipling

Click Here to find out why!!!

Elvis Quotes

...In recognition of his courage in Nagano, Elvis Stojko was awarded the Governor-General's Meritorious Service Cross. The citation reads: "His tremendous courage under such adversity won him a silver medal and demonstrated his indomitable spirit and dedication to the pursuit of excellence."

..."I've heard that I'm the first athlete to receive it, which I think is really, really interesting," he said of the silver Greek cross. "I'm honored that I'd be chosen for it."

..."Pain is temporary, but pride lasts forever."

..."It's not about victory or defeat. It's about the challenge to one's self."

Gracenotes Commentaries

...I will try to be better at updating this year so check back at least once a month or after major events have happened or been televised. During World's I try to update every day. Feel free to comment on my commentaries on my message board. They are posted there too.

Write your own commentaries on my
Message Board

Other Interesting Articles

Skating Jumps for Dummies by Julie Bixby
Jump Physics Web Site by Gary Cochran
OBO Files by Sandra Loosemore
How to Photograph Figure Skating by Traci Lyn
The History of the Quad by Ellen Edgerton
The Judges Web Site by Jon Rubin's
Those Important Clockwise Skaters by Amy Mossman

...If you know of any let me know.


Vote for your Favourite Skaters of all time

Best Male Single Skater Ever
Best Female Single Skater Ever
Best Pairs Team Ever
Best Dance Team Ever


...I will not even begin to try to list all the figure skating links that I am aware of. Because there are so many skating sites, this page will be limited to my favourite links. The sites listed will be rated 1-5 skates. Things which affect the ratings are, information provided, links, commentaries, chat rooms and message boards, and look of page. For other skating sites please explore the skating web rings. For fan pages of specific skaters there is no better source than SkateWeb by Sandra Loosemore.

Skating Site of the Month


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Sites are rated 1-5, with some symbol. Canadian sites or persons are marked by a flag or maple leaf.

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Animated flags thanks to THE PAGE

Music thanks to Jack's ShackJACK'S SHACK

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