Passions and Ponderings
A Canadian way of life
This web page is designed to express my passions and ponderings. One of my passions is my country, so expect a Canadian and patriotic point of view. All commentaries are my personal ponderings and predictions.
Figure Skating Notes
March 4, 2000
Tennis Notes
Dec. 18, 2000
G.Racing Notes
April 29, 1999
Winter Olympic Notes
Dec. 18, 2000
Musical Notes
Feb. 17 1998
Lifestyle Notes
Feb. 17, 1998
As well as my commentaries for each notes page, I will try to provide links to related pages for each topic, as well as results and standings for the sports pages.
Rudyard Kipling
Go Ahead, Contact me!
Sites are rated 1-5, with some symbol. Canadian sites or persons are marked by a flag or maple leaf.
Animated flags thanks to
Music thanks to Jack's Shack
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